
Enhance Your Meditation Practice with Crystals
You may meditate, but have you taken your practice one step further by using crystals? Learn the benefits of crystals and how to us crystals in your meditation practice.
5 Breath Practices to Cool You Down in Summer Heat
As the heat of summer washes over you, look to your breath to help keep you cool with these cooling breathing techniques to keep you cool from the inside out.
A Summer Meditation to Help You Slow Down
Summertime conjures up images of ice cream cones, neighborhood swimming pools, family vacations, and beach bonfires. The rhythm of longer, warmer days makes summer the favorite season for many. Difficult decisions like Pool or beach? Strawberry or coconut popsicle? BBQ or picnic? may be at the forefront of your mind.While the summer may be filled with all kinds of exciting...
The Art of Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing
Breath is the source of prana, or life force, and among the most basic of all human functions. Breathing consists of two phases: inhalation and exhalation. When you inhale, the diaphragm—a dome-shaped muscle separating the lungs from the abdominal cavity—contracts. This allows your lungs to expand and fill with air. On the exhale, the diaphragm returns to its normal position,...
How to Find Gratitude in Your Hardest Moments
One of the main pillars of today’s mindfulness-based practices is the art of cultivating gratitude. You may hear it as a theme in yoga class, read about it in self-help books, hear about it in seminars and retreats, or see it every day in your social media feeds. Cultivating gratitude every day can be a powerful catalyst for creating a...
5 Holistic Exercises to Help Reduce Anxiety
Anxiety affects 40 million adults, and one in eight children in the United States alone. This debilitating condition is often compounded by symptoms of depression and stress. Although medical attention is the primary intervention, medical care may be complimented with holistic exercises. A balance of personal efforts, combined with the guidance of a medical physician, has the potential to heal...
Routines and Rituals to Balance Vata
How to round your energy and keep Vata at bay this season.
On Agni and Āma: The Sacred Fire of Digestion and Metabolic Impurities
The cornerstone of health in Ayurveda comes back to the simple concept of agni, our digestive fire. Balanced agni is the key to proper digestion and sustained energy.
How to Keep Pitta Balanced This Summer to Enjoy the Season
A guide to keeping cool all summer long.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Healthy, Glowing Skin
Try these holistic tips for a glow from the inside out this spring.
Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies for Springtime
Keep your Kapha at bay this spring with these Ayurvedic herbs.
8 Ways to Nourish Mind, Body, and Spirit During Seasonal Transitions
As we move from the cold blue winter into the warm and sunny summer, it is the time to transform with nature. The spring equinox marks the start of the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere while it is the start of the autumn season in the Southern Hemisphere. Spring: The Kapha Season Spring is a time of transformation. Elements...
The Six Tastes and Emotions
From an Ayurvedic perspective, the phrase "you are what you eat" takes on a much more significant meaning. Beyond the physical impact of your diet, the food you eat can significantly alter your emotional state. Why do you crave sweets when you're missing a loved one? The answer can be found when we examine the emotional qualities of the six...
Renewal for Summer
A core teaching in Ayurveda is that your personal body is inextricably connected to the environment around you. The environment can also be thought of as your extended body. So, whatever is happening outside in nature is expressing itself through you as well.The qualities of the Five Elements—Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth—are expressed everywhere in nature, including the seasons...
10 Rules for an Ayurvedic Diet
The Ayurvedic diet has a set of simple rules to ensure you make the most of your daily meals. Learn how your meals can be your best medicine from Chopra.
Ayurveda and the 6 Tastes of Life
Ayurveda gives us a lot of great information about healthy eating, and one of the most important is understanding the six tastes of life: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent.
Coffee Benefits, According to Ayurveda
According to the National Coffee Association, coffee is one of the most sought-after commodities in the world. The history of drinking coffee begins with an Ethiopian goat herder who first discovered the effects of coffee beans when he noticed that his goats would dine on the beans and forego sleep. He shared this observation with a monk in a local...
Building a Six-Taste Bowl with Sahara Rose
In fact, today it’s more important than ever before to keep our immune systems in balance! This is where my Six Taste Bowl comes in, from my book Eat Feel Fresh: A Contemporary Plant-Based Ayurvedic Cookbook.When you consume a meal that contains the Ayurvedic six tastes, you are nourished from a cellular level. Each taste corresponds with different qualities, as...
What Is Ghee and What Are Its Benefits?
Ghee has been front and center in Indian cooking and spiritual practices for thousands of years. In North America, however, its rise to fame has been much more recent. In the past few years, paleo, keto, and Whole30 diet enthusiasts have discovered that it can take the place of dairy creamers in coffee and make bone broth taste—and feel—more decadent.What...
4 Ayurvedic Self-Care Tips for Fall
Fall is the season of transition. Your finely tuned senses are usually the first to alert you that change is in the air. Nature is tuning in as well and in response knows it’s time to begin preparing for winter, and so must you.Fall is a time to truly nourish yourself and practice self-care by slowing down, reflecting, and renewing...
The Many Benefits and Uses of Ashwagandha
Popular herbs such as lavender and chamomile are commonly found in many holistic products. These herbs, in the form of essential oils, are known for their calming effects, with many people turning to them for relief during periods of high stress. A lesser-known herb but one with similar benefits (in addition to many others) and gaining in popularity is ashwagandha....
5 Vata-Balancing Strategies for Fall
Ahh, fall — the beautiful autumn foliage, pumpkin picking, and drinking warm apple cider as the air cools and the wind picks up. Just as doshas govern your constitution, they also govern the seasons. Summer has transitioned into fall, which is considered to be the Vata time of the year. The Vata dosha is made of the elements air and...
6 Ayurvedic Travel Tips to Keep You Healthy and at Peace
Traveling can be exciting, full of treasured memories in the making. Part of the fun is the anticipation, waiting for the day to finally arrive when it’s time to head out on the open road or board the plane to your dream destination. Much time and effort is spent planning a trip—when it finally happens, the excitement is palpable. What...
Kapha Season: Clear Yourself Inside and Out
Spring is the season of rebirth, renewal, and fresh beginnings, and the ideal time for clearing out the old and making way for the new. As the buds stretch toward the light, you have the capacity to grow in new ways each time spring comes around. According to Ayurveda, spring is a Kapha season, comprised predominantly of the water and...
4 Gentle Cleansing Techniques for Spring
According to the principles of Ayurveda, spring is the cleansing season. The same way that you spring clean your home, this is a great time of year to cleanse the toxins from your body.While there are many cleanse programs available, some methods can be intimidating and extreme. The good news is that there are more subtle and gentle techniques that...
How to Balance and Recharge Your Diet This Spring
Ayurveda divides the year into three seasons based on the predominant dosha, or governing energetic quality, associated with each. Springtime, lasting from March through June, is governed by the Kapha dosha. Kapha combines the elements of earth and water, making Kapha a season of moist, heavy, and oily properties.You can notice these elemental qualities by observing nature. Spring brings showers...
Unconventional Ayurvedic Food Tips to Stay Healthy
The wisdom of Ayurveda has been around for over 5,000 years. It is time-tested and provides helpful guidance on Ayurvedic foods to help you stay healthy.
3 Ayurvedic Tips to Nourish Your Body and Mind This Thanksgiving
When you think of Thanksgiving, the first thing that tends to come to mind is the meal. While this day serves as an annual reminder of the joys of eating good food together, many people experience the annual side effects of overeating: mainly an increase in lethargy and a decrease in overall vitality.However, by incorporating basic Ayurvedic principles into your...
Autumn Eating: Ayurvedic Tips for Fall
Discover why pumpkin falls perfectly in line with seasonal Ayurvedic recommendations for the fall diet. Plus, learn about the perfect ayurveda winter foods.
Cool Summer Foods for Balancing Pitta
Learn about cooling summer meals that can help counter imbalances in your pitta dosha. Enjoy the warm weather with these cooling summer foods.
7 Ayurvedic Secrets for Weight Loss
We live in a diet-obsessed culture. It seems like every week a new diet makes headlines, claiming to be the best path to weight loss. From Paleo, South Beach, and Atkins, to Primal, Ketogenic, and Zone, it can be hard to decipher the best way to shed excess weight. Isn’t there a tried-and-true plan that has been around the block...
All About Ghee: Why It’s Good for You and How to Make It
Ghee comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “sprinkled,” which means that the milk fat is rendered from the butter to separate the milk solids and water. It’s essentially a form of clarified butter. In Ayurveda, it’s been lauded as an essential superfood with dozens of health benefits for thousands of years. Here’s why: It promotes a healthy digestive tract: Healing...
Gardening RX: How to Grow 5 Ayurvedic Herbs
Growing a mini-Ayurvedic pharmacy at home isn’t as hard as you might think—and the benefits are huge. Imagine being able to reach into your own garden, where you know exactly how plants have been grown, and picking medicine for you and your family’s well-being. There is nothing more natural; and it can be a fulfilling way to add to your...
5 Foods and Herbs for Radiant Skin
Contrary to what the billion-dollar skin care industry would have you believe, the health of your skin actually starts on the inside. And while spa days and facials are a wonderful way to treat yourself, you don't need to be spending hundreds (or thousands) of dollars on your skincare routine.In fact, the health of your skin depends largely on what...
Four Tips for a Healthy Start to Your Day
For many of us, it’s easy for each day to fly by in a blur of work and family responsibilities.A morning routine can be incredibly beneficial in helping us to find a little peace, promote our health and well-being, and establish a good foundation for the rest of the day.Over time, my family and I have established daily practices and...
Evening Practices to Prepare for Sleep
How to create an evening routine that supports a full night’s rest.
Create a Healthier, More Vibrant Body Beginning Today
Your body is designed to be an energized, vibrant, self-healing vehicle well into your centenarian years. Yet, in our modern lifestyles, the repair mechanisms which promote longevity and health can easily become compromised. The following practices will reinvigorate your body and slow the aging process by increasing mitochondrial density, lengthening telomeres, and inducing cellular repair processes.Reduce or Eliminate SugarModerate to...
From Celiac to the Soul: How I Embrace My Journey of Chronic Illness
I was a freshman at my dream school, feeling decisive and motivated to pursue a career in finance, and had even landed an exciting internship at a hedge fund in New York City. My life felt comfortable and in control. I grew up learning that if you work hard and go to a good school, you will get a good...
8 Healthy Ways to Lose Weight in the New Year
If you are like many people, you want to start off the new year with clear goals for yourself. While there are many types of goals to consider as you begin a brand-new year, weight loss is one that many people choose to focus on.There are many healthy ways to lose weight in the New Year. Some of them are...
5 Ways to Prevent Yourself from Overindulging During the Holidays
The holidays are a time to enjoy delicious mouth-watering meals and sweet delights. From seasonal pies, cookies, treats, and festive alcoholic drinks that abound in our homes and workplaces to delightful gifts of homemade goodness—we are surrounded by an abundance of opportunities to engage in the holiday spirit of mingling, merrymaking, and munching. It’s both delectable and downright difficult to...
14 Tips for Preventing Winter Weight Gain
While you may think that winter weight gain is inevitable with the colder, shorter days; the holiday bustle; and your inherent urge to hibernate more, consider these tips for taking charge of your weight and health.1. Eat Whole FoodsYou may have heard of the whole food movement. This eating style is focused on eating foods that are in their whole...
5 Immune-Boosting Juice Recipes
Before you reach for a boring glass of orange, apple, or grape juice. Try these 5 immune booster recipes that are healthy and great tasting.
7 Habits to Protect Your Brain and Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a type of brain disorder that causes problems with memory, behavior, and thinking. It affects more than 5 million Americans and 50 million people worldwide. It’s a devastating condition that takes a major toll on sufferers as well as their caregivers.Over time, many patients with this disorder develop debilitating cognitive problems. Although memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s...
7 Cooking Techniques to Create Healthier Meals
Healthy cooking methods capture flavor and lock in nutrients—with little-to-no extra fat or salt needed. Plus, when it comes to cooking vegetables such as carrots and broccoli, the cooking process actually preserves the nutrients and breaks down the vegetable’s tough outer layers and cellular structure, which makes it easier for your body to digest and absorb those nutrients. Whether you’re...
5 Foods (and Recipes) for Skin Health
What you feed your body directly affects the health of your skin. For example, you may have noticed that you look puffy after consuming too much sugar or red wine. Conversely, when you eat a diet rich in nutrient-dense whole foods, you likely wake up feeling and looking more radiant.Your skin is the largest organ in your body; its healthy...
10 Tips for Eating Healthy
It’s been said that food is the best medicine. It’s true that the right foods will make us feel both energized and nourished. These 10 tips will make it easy to get started.Defaulting to what comes easy or is familiar can be a hindrance when it comes to cultivating health and well-being. Today’s fast-food culture is a perfect example; people...
5 Stress-Reducing Herbal Teas
Stress. Just hearing that word can conjure up feelings of anxiety. Life offers many stressors simply during day-to-day events. School, work, health issues, busy schedules, family drama—it seems that there is always something in life that can cause stress. As humans, our own internal response to a need we have that goes unmet causes stress within. While you don’t have...
8 Incredible Health Benefits of Eating Ginger
Learn more about the proven health benefits of ginger and the uses of ginger from tea to meals and supplements.
How Ginger Helps Fight Inflammation
Ginger is a powerful ginger anti-inflammatory. You can eat, drink, and take it as a supplement. Ginger tastes good as well! We've included smoothie recipes to enjoy.
Decongest Your Lymphatic System for Vibrant Health
Learn more about the importance of lymphatic health and the symptoms of a clogged lymphatic system. Our lymphatic cleanse can help you keep it healthy.
The Health Benefits of Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is one of the oldest medicinal drinks. From digestive health to helping inflamed airways, there are plenty of benefits. Learn more at Chopra!
How to Boost Your Immune System with 7 Foods & Home Remedies
With the fall season in full force and the transition to cooler days and nights, it is an important time of year to keep your immune system strong. As you likely have experienced, seasonal transitions, especially summer turning to fall, can put a little extra strain on your immune system.There are many ways to help keep your body strong and...
7 Foods That Help Fight Type 2 Diabetes
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 100 million U.S. adults have diabetes or prediabetes. You may also know that living with diabetes can lead to many other health issues including inflammatory conditions, kidney disease, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and neurological issues. With the epidemic of diabetes, there are some important dietary considerations to know about. On the...
Does Coffee Boost Your Metabolism?
If you are someone who reaches for a warm cuppa joe first thing in the morning you are surely not alone. In fact, according to the National Coffee Association, 63 percent of American adults drink coffee daily. While many folks are looking for a morning pick me up, help with focusing, and/or an overall boost in energy, others simply enjoy...
6 Healing Powers of Ginseng
You have probably heard of the gnarly but potent root and brightly colored berry known as ginseng. Ginseng has been used in Asia and North America for centuries in both Native American medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Native Americans used ginseng both as a digestive tonic and to soothe headaches, whereas Traditional Chinese Medicine used ginseng to boost energy and...
8 Health Benefits of Cumin
Did you know cumin has many health benefits? Learn how to use this simple spice to improve your health from the experts at Chopra.
Do You Need a Metabolic Makeover?
Do you start off running with a brand-new diet each year only to lose steam after the first couple of weeks? Are you in a constant conversation with your bathroom scale that can either uplift or depress how you feel each day?Your metabolism keeps you energized and moving. If it slows, you are likely to feel its effects on your...
Nutrient Deficiencies Linked to Fatigue and How to Increase Energy Through Food
Is it a struggle to get out of bed in the morning? Do you find yourself saying no to activities because you don’t have the energy? Have you found that you crash frequently and need to take a nap to get through the day?If you frequently feel exhausted even after sleeping through the night, hit that afternoon slump daily, or...
5 Ways Cacao Benefits Your Body, Mind, and Soul
While you may have thought you needed a good excuse to enjoy a piece of dark chocolate, the truth is the delightful and ancient superfood ingredient found in high-quality dark chocolate, known as cacao, has more to offer your health than you may realize.In ancient texts, cacao was described as a sacred superfood, often referred to as food of the...
3 Ways to Strengthen Your Bones
A meaningful yoga sutra reads Sthira sukham asanum. This Sanskrit phrase translates to “steadiness and ease within posture.” The movement portion of yoga, asana, focuses on building a strong foundation—an aligned, steady body, which only then is capable of fluid and easy movement.The bones are your most basic element of structure and stability. Not only do bones create the framework...
3 Steps to a Stress-Free Thanksgiving
As the leaves turn into autumn’s golden and crimson glory, and the weather has you cozying up for colder days and nights, it’s likely you sense Thanksgiving is right around the corner. While the festive gatherings and communal feasts sound enticing and celebratory, there is often a prevailing holiday question: How can you make peace with your plate this year?Spanning...
6 Secrets to Maintain Youthful Energy
According to data from the World Bank, people are living longer than ever. Average life expectancy worldwide increased from 52 years in 1960, to 72 years in 2016 (for males and females). While the added time seems innately like a blessing, some may find it a curse. With age and experience comes the various trials of life: changing jobs, retiring,...
7 Natural Ways To Address Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is a common medical condition. While medication is a common treatment, there are some natural ways you can try. The experts at Chopra have 7 natural ways to help treat acid reflux.
How to Improve Gut Health with Natural Probiotics
When you sit down to a meal or grab a quick snack, you are not just eating for your health, but you are also eating for the health of your microbiome. Your microbiome, the ecosystem of microbes living primarily in your digestive tract, is a delicate and wise system that is responsible for governing almost every system in your body....
10 Tips on the Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water
Check out our ten tips on the benefits of hot lemon water and why you should start incorporating it into your daily life.
How to Live a Healthy Life with Celiac Disease
You may have heard about celiac disease more often in recent years due to the rise in gluten-free diets and the growing availability of gluten-free products. But what is celiac disease?Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that can develop when people with a genetic predisposition to the disease consumes gluten. When someone with celiac disease eats gluten, the body reacts...
3 Lifestyle Hacks to Dampen Inflammation
Inflammation is a natural and needed process in the body; it is part of an effective immune system response. The body uses beneficial acute inflammatory reactions to direct blood flow, immune cells, and nutrients to areas in need of healing, such as wounds and infections. But when inflammation gets out of hand or occurs in the wrong place, it can...
The 2 Types of Eaters—Permitters and Restrictors
Two women were standing near a party buffet. One woman eyed the garlic-mashed potatoes and said, “Oh God, they look so good! But I promised myself I'd stay on a low-carb diet for at least three weeks, and this is only day two.” The other woman said, “I told myself I would lose weight this year, and I haven't lost...
8 Ways to Overcome Belly Bloating
Are you tired of walking around feeling bloated? You feel bloated in your belly when air or gas is trapped in your gastrointestinal tract. It can be uncomfortable, frustrating, and even embarrassing to experience on a daily basis. Sometimes bloating can be an internal feeling of feeling full in the lower abdomen while other times there is physical distension that...
The Do's and Don'ts of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Inflammation has always been a medical mystery, but now it has become an enemy of long-term health. On the one hand, when your skin turns red, swollen, and painful after you burn yourself, which triggers acute inflammation, the response is normal and beneficial. Extra red blood cells, immune cells, and antioxidants are rushing to the wounded site to heal it....
8 Ways to Combat Dehydration
When planning your nutrition, the focus is often on making healthy food choices and fluid intake can be easily forgotten. With so many beverage options to choose from it can be easy to drink beverages that do not provide your body with adequate hydration. Or, it’s possible that you might forget to drink fluids altogether, because you’re just too busy.Adequate...
Develop Health Resolutions with the Help of These 5 Intentions
Typically, New Year’s resolutions describe an end goal. Common goals are to drink more water, lose weight, eat more vegetables, or exercise more. While health goals centered around specific actions may work temporarily, you often finish the year feeling somewhat behind the eight ball. You have done the action, but now what?This season, try shifting your New Year’s resolution to...
8 Routine Habits That May Be Stressing You Out
With the chaos across the globe and in your everyday life, it can be easy to overlook seemingly minor stressors. Sometimes it’s easy to identify the daily habits that induce stress such as consuming large quantities of caffeine, overloading on processed foods, or overscheduling appointments and activities to the point of burnout. But often the daily habits that heighten stress...
5 Positive Holiday Tips for Those in Recovery
It is not unusual for those in recovery to feel both excited and anxious about the holiday season. Right now, you are healing your mind and your body. You want to remain on this healing journey without any interferences.Recovery can mean something different to each person overcoming addiction. One way to aid in the process is to follow the R.E.C.O.V.E.R.Y....
Eating for Wholeness and Emotional Well-Being
There are different entry points on the path toward emotional well-being. Since each individual is unique, what works for you may not work for someone else. One thing that is consistent, however, is the need to keep your body healthy to help you move through all life’s experiences with strength and beauty.Humans are complex beings and you must honor that...
5 Signs You’re Working Too Hard Toward Your Health Goals
During a routine visit, your doctor tells you that you have high blood pressure. Panic-stricken, you join a gym, buy an annual pass to a yoga studio, and hire a nutritionist. After doing all of those things, you take your blood pressure, and it’s even higher than before. You ask yourself, “What is happening? I’m determined to lower my blood...
Quit These 5 Habits to Help Reduce Anxiety
Nervousness, panic attacks, road rage, and feelings of sadness plague more Americans than you might think. According to CCHR International, 36 million Americans were taking anti-anxiety drugs and 41 million Americans were taking antidepressants in 2014.Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness in the U.S., and many people don’t seek help because they are uncertain of how...
Understanding the Differences Between White and Brown Fat
The term “fat” often has a negative connotation these days, but fat doesn’t have to be something that’s negative. The key is understanding how your body uses fat to function properly.Body weight, body proportions, and being “overweight” can mean many things for different people and cultures. Being overweight used to be a sign of privilege (i.e., you were wealthy enough...
Do Probiotics Really Work?
Can supplementing with probiotics really help reduce belly bloat and IBS symptoms? How do you know which ones are good and which ones are a waste of money?Well—to be frank, our poop and all the bugs that live in there are the great new frontier in medicine. Who knew!? The health of the 100 trillion bugs in your gut (which...
Can the Mediterranean Diet Save Your Life?
There always seems to be a “diet du jour” out there. In the ’70s and ’80s, it was Atkins; in the ’90s and early 2000s, it was South Beach. Today, people are embracing variations of the Paleo or Caveman diet, the Whole30 program, and dietary approaches that depend on protein shakes and vitamin supplements.While some of these diets can, in...
How to Choose a Healthy Detox
If you live in the 21st century, you have probably been bombarded with different ideas about cleansing and detoxing. From the Master Cleanse to fasting or juice cleansing, there is no shortage of options to choose from. Before you choose to do a cleanse, it is important to understand the detoxification process in the body so that you know what...
4 Myths About Dieting and Weight Loss
When it comes to overall health and weight loss, there’s an excess of advice out there. Unfortunately, most of it is terrible, misguided, outdated, and scientifically disproven.This ubiquitously poor advice can create weight-loss roadblocks and even damage your health. Here are four prevalent misguided myths that drive me nuts.Myth #1: All Calories are Created EqualA calorie is a calorie, right?...
3 Steps to Setting Effective Weight Loss Goals
Are you tired of setting unrealistic weight loss goals?If you are like most people, you have probably set some lofty weight loss goals for yourself several times in your life. Did you ever stop to think, “Is this goal realistic?” “Is my goal sustainable?” “Am I just participating in one of those fad diets?”If you’re ready to make a change...
5 Healthy Habits to Adopt in the New Year
You can probably think of a daily habit you perform—perhaps it’s checking Twitter first thing every morning or taking a shower before bed. Whatever the habit may be, it is typically automatic, meaning you don’t give it much thought, if any at all.Luckily, as a human, you have the ability to choose which habits you’d like to adopt and which...
The Importance of Vitamin D
Are you getting enough vitamin D? According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, two thirds of the U.S. population was deficient in vitamin D from 2001 to 2006. And this is a vitamin you don’t want to be deficient in: Vitamin D not only helps keep your bones strong, it also plays a role in the...
Eating Seasonally for Your Dosha, Plus 3 Springtime Recipes
The ancient Ayurvedic text, Sushrita Samhita, states: “He whose doshas are in balance, whose appetite is good…and whose Self, mind, and senses remain full of bliss, is called a healthy person.” Eating specific foods can help balance your dosha—and so can eating according to the season. As you move into springtime, explore these time-honored diet tips that can help you...
5 Creative Ways to Feed the Hungry
It’s estimated that 48.1 million Americans lived in food-insecure households in 2014, according to Feeding America. And an estimated 100 billion pounds of food are thrown away annually in the United States. Reducing food losses by 30 percent would be enough food to feed more than 50 million Americans every year.There are many things you can do to make a...
9 Foods That May Increase Metabolism
It can be tempting to blame your metabolism for weight gain and other health problems. Although your metabolism influences your body’s energy needs, your digestive fire and physical activity, the foods you eat actually determine your weight and overall health.There are some foods that may increase your metabolism because they contain important elements that are vital to maintain a steady...
3 Healthy Habits to Help You Banish Stress
We all know how unpleasant and uncomfortable stress can feel, but just how unhealthy is it? While studies have shown short-term stress can help boost the immune system, chronic stress can have significant negative effects that leave us susceptible to illness.Let’s face it: we can’t eliminate stress completely. It’s part of being human. However, we don’t have to be helpless...
Are the Health Benefits of Alcohol Overhyped?
Ever since humans first started drinking fermented beverages, there probably has been debate about its benefits and its drawbacks. While it’s common knowledge that binge drinking and chronic overconsumption can lead to serious health and social issues, when it comes to moderate alcohol consumption, medical experts disagree. Some say that light drinking may be good for your health while others...
How to Detox From Sugar in 10 Days
Sugar is the root cause of obesity and many chronic illnesses. Learn how to cleanse your body from sugar in just 10 days with the experts from Chopra.
It’s Not Your Fault You’re Fat
The message pushed on us by our own government, health agencies, professional organizations and especially the food industry is this:It’s your fault you are fat. Just eat less and exercise more.But is that actually true? Do 70 percent of Americans wake up every day thinking, “I want to be fat. How can I eat more and exercise less today?” Are...
5 Ways Beans Boost Your Heart Health
If you want an inexpensive and delicious way to improve your heart health, add more beans to your diet. Beans are a low-fat, high-fiber protein source, and they provide multiple phytochemicals that help reduce your risk of many health conditions, including heart disease.Beans belong to a family of foods known as legumes, which are plants whose seeds are contained within...
Eating for Enlightenment: Why Mindful Eating Matters
One of the best times of day is when it is time to eat. Being fully present during this sacred time of bliss is of utmost importance. What we consume, how much, and what time we eat affects how we digest, along with our sense of wellbeing.
Vata Balancing Recipes
Enjoy these simple recipes to warm and balance your system.
Healing Plants to Add to Your Garden
Gardening is one of the most meditative and relaxing practices. And it can provide great healing, too. This is especially true when it comes to medicinal plants and herbs, which can provide a range of benefits, including supporting the immune system, decreasing stress and anxiety, and so much more.
How to Implement an Abundance Mindset in Nutrition
An antidote to diet culture? Develop an abundance mindset around what you eat. Adopting this kind of mindset can help you establish a healthy way of thinking about the foods you add to your lifestyle rather than focusing on taking things away.
Fall Garden Produce to Plant This Season for Mind-Body Health Benefits
We often associate gardening with spring but, you can reap the benefits of growing your own produce in the fall, too. This is both true for your plate and for your mental health, as there are mind-body perks to sinking your fingers into the soil and planting seeds from scratch.Up ahead, we take a closer look at why planting a...
Easy Vegan Tortilla Pizza
One of our favorite go-to dinners is pizza. My family and I love this quick, easy, and nutritious tortilla pizza recipe with sweet potatoes, sprouts, and avocado for a simple yet delicious weeknight meal.Vegan Tortilla Personal PizzasPhoto by April DuckworthSprouts adds a welcome crunch and are a good source of fiber, which improves digestion and gut health and helps manage...
Four Tips for Hosting Outdoors and a Recipe for Vegan Crispy Potato Salad
It is officially summer! The season of extended daylight, warmth, and more time outdoors. One of my favorite things to do is gather outdoors with family and friends. I love to eat outside among nature, and it just feels like a very treasured time.Recently, my family and friends threw me a surprise birthday, outdoor picnic style, in one of my...
Pitta Balancing Beverages to Help You Feel Cool and Refreshed
Try these simple and delicious pitta balancing beverages to keep your cool all summer long.
Vegan Blueberry Cantaloupe Salad with Maple Balsamic Dressing
As we are outside more during these warmer days, taking walks and enjoying all of the blooms and vibrant colors, we also feel excited for so many fresh and seasonal produce options. Cantaloupe will always be associated with warm days to me. It is my favorite of the melons. While it is delicious just on its own, I wanted to...
Creamy Vegan Cucumber Dill Soup
As we begin to enjoy warmer, longer days in the northern hemisphere, we are also entering the season of fresh produce in abundance. One of my favorites since childhood is cucumber. As I sat down to plan a luncheon for my family, I was inspired to include cucumber in a soup. Typically, we have always included cucumber for salads, which...
Vegan Cherry Nice Cream
This sweet cherry dessert is a favorite in our home. We have been preparing this version of vegan ice cream made with frozen fruit, or “nice cream”, for several years now, and keep coming back to it. It’s especially delicious during warm weather for a cool treat.Vegan Cherry Nice CreamPhoto by April DuckworthVegan cherry nice cream really satisfies our sweet...
Vegan Coconut Pineapple Rice
This recipe has become a staple in our home. We often have rice or quinoa as a base for our meals, and this recipe blends sweet pineapple and coconut milk with a hint of spice for a simple yet flavorful meal that doesn’t disappoint!This dish is perfect as the weather warms up, while also providing several important vitamins and minerals....
Foods That Nourish Your Cells Vs. Foods That Drive Cellular Aging
Maintaining the health of your body on a cellular level takes an orchestration of several lifestyle factors – with diet being one of the most impactful. Why? Because every morsel of food you put into your body becomes a part of the framework of your biology.This means that the nutrients you eat eventually become the materials that make up your...
Cómo Desarrollar Una Práctica de Alimentación Consciente
“Los principios básicos de la alimentación consciente incluyen ser consciente de los nutrientes disponibles a través del proceso de preparación y consumo de alimentos, elegir alimentos agradables y nutritivos, reconocer las preferencias alimentarias sin juzgar, reconocer y respetar las señales físicas de hambre y saciedad, y usar la sabiduría para guiar las decisiones alimentarias.” –Cheryl Harris, MPH, RDEste artículo se...
Detoxifying Spring Recipes
Kapha balancing recipes to stay healthy and balanced this spring.
The Power of Beets: Add This Veggie to Your Smoothie for Grounding and Nourishment
With the busy, always-on-the-go, lifestyle so many of us have become accustomed to, it’s no wonder many turn to practices such as meditation, yoga, and even art as a form of grounding or recalibration. Grounding — which is also referred to as Earthing — is a therapeutic method that involves realigning the body and mind with the Earth’s energy. Certain...
Eating for Health, Longevity, and Vitality
The search for a youth-restoring, health-promoting, vitality-producing elixir is ages old. Yet, food may be the closest you can get to the fabled fountain of youth. Research unequivocally demonstrates that dietary choices have the ability to mitigate the aging processes, improve immune function, protect the body from disease, increase mental acuity, and “reverse abnormal gene activation.” Whether you are looking...
Good Energy Eats: 9 High Vibrational Foods to Add to Your Plate in Winter
If you’re looking for a way to increase your energy and vitality this cold weather season, look no further than high vibrational foods. Everything on Earth has a vibration because it is made up of energy. However, when we say high vibrational foods, we mean “foods that are closest to their natural form and carry the energy of the Earth...
Holiday Recipes with an Ayurvedic Twist
This holiday season, we may find ourselves torn between eating nutritious foods and sharing in holiday treats. Ayurveda can help us do both at once, while including one of Ayurveda’s Four Aims of Life: enjoyment. These are some simple variations on holiday recipes that will satisfy your sweet tooth and appetite, as well as your agni.By swapping out common ingredients...
Holiday Recipes: Add Sweetness to Your Life With Vegan, Gluten-Free Pecan Pie
As we planned our first annual Friendsgiving gathering since relocating to Kentucky, my husband and I discussed what our contributions would be with our friends. Planning is not only an essential part of the process, but also very fun as we gather ideas, expand our culinary creativity, and anticipate the delicious food and warm conversations we will share with friends....
Holiday Recipes: A Vegan, Gluten-Free Sweet Potato Pie the Whole Family Can Enjoy
Sweet potatoes are delicious, versatile, and align very well with the fall season. They are very soothing to the digestive system, especially when cooked with ginger. We include ginger in this recipe for this reason. Sweet potatoes are high in fiber and antioxidants, providing amazing benefits to gut health. I try to have ginger in some form every day, as...
Holiday Recipes: Make This Lentil Loaf the Centerpiece of Your Next Gathering
Our lentil loaf recipe is one of our first choices as the weather cools and we usher in Autumn and Winter. We prepare this dish for gatherings with family and friends, special occasions, and to enjoy this meal together as a family. Last weekend, we had family in town for the first time in a long time. The weather was...
Holiday Recipes: Vegan, Gluten-Free Stuffing with Carrots, Fennel, and Apple
Stuffing seems to be synonymous with the holiday season. Over the years since we’ve become the hosts for holiday dinners with family, my husband and I have worked on a healthy vegan and gluten-free stuffing recipe. One that is not only vegan and gluten-free, but also oil-free. We’ve finally found one that we’re happy with, and there are many variations...
Halloween Treat: 5-Ingredient Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
October is here. Leaves are changing their hues to bright orange, red, and yellow. It’s a time that encourages coziness in the home, introspection as we move through the change of seasons, and a wonderful time to be out in nature. The temperatures are cooler, making walks and hikes incredibly lovely as we move through the vibrant forest.As a mom...
Quiet Mornings and a Warm Oatmeal Breakfast
How do you begin your day? Yoga and meditation? A jog? Quiet? Stillness? Writing or journaling? Or none of the above?An ever-evolving practice is to be present. Starting the morning with a quiet reflective time is very important. Waking up early may encourage one to write and inspire intentional energy for nurturing ideas, plans, and goals. The house is calm...
Warm Up with Sweet Potato Black Bean Soup
Cozy up with this soup as the days get a little shorter and evenings get cooler. This sweet potato and black bean soup is not only delicious, but provides healing Ayurvedic properties and boosts immunity with the combination of ginger, garlic & onion. It also includes a cashew cream sauce, which can be grounding and satisfying as we enter the...
Breakfast Rice Cereal 
You can modify this recipe for your dosha by substituting other grains for the rice. See suggestions below. 1 cup basmati rice, (or other grain) uncooked* (sweet) 2 cups water ½ teaspoon salt, if desired (salty) ½ teaspoon nutmeg (pungent, bitter) 1 teaspoon cinnamon (pungent, sweet) ½ teaspoon clove (pungent, bitter) 1 cup vanilla soy milk (can substitute regular milk...
Vegetable Barley Casserole
You can modify this recipe for your dosha by following the suggestions below.Ingredients: 3 cups bite-size vegetables, such as carrots (sweet), zucchini (sweet, astringent), yellow squash (sweet, astringent), potatoes (sweet, astringent), and leeks (pungent, sweet), kale or other dark leafy greens (bitter) 1 tablespoon ghee (sweet) 3 cups cooked barley (sweet) 1 cup fresh or frozen corn (sweet, astringent) 12...
Spinach Greens with Gorgonzola
This is a quick, delicious salad that takes only twenty minutes to prepare. The dressing suggestions and modifications to balance your dosha are below.Discover your dosha type here.Ingredients 2 pounds washed and stemmed spinach (bitter, astringent) ¼ cup sliced radishes (pungent) ½ cup crumbled Gorgonzola cheese (sweet, sour) ½ cup dried cranberries or currants (sweet, sour, astringent) 1 cup honey-glazed...
Stay Balanced with these Kombucha Flavors for Each Dosha
On National Booch Day (also known as National Kombucha Day), stay balanced with these kombucha flavors for each dosha. Discover your dosha type here.Creating a healthy body requires a wide variety of foods. Ayurveda gives us many tips for getting the variety we need. Ayurveda describes the Six Tastes of life-sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent-which all support our...
Get Grounded with Sweet Potato Chai Pancakes
In the Northern Hemisphere, we’re in the midst of Vata season, with cold, windy days that increase the Vata dosha in the body, mind, and emotions. If you accumulate too much Vata, you’re likely to feel nervous, spacy, or overstimulated. To keep your Vata in balance, start your day with a grounding breakfast routine to feel rooted, warm, and nourished.Discover...
The Health Benefits and Risks of Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is often lauded as the healthful darling of desserts. Although it boasts a list of perks, it also has downsides. Learn about the effects of dark chocolate.
Pumpkin Power: 4 Recipes Featuring America’s Favorite Squash
From lattes and lasagnas to soups and salads, pumpkin is suitable for endless culinary creations. It’s also a nutritional powerhouse.Pumpkin’s deep orange color means it’s packed with powerful compounds called carotenoids. Carotenoids have been linked to cancer prevention, reduced risk of heart disease, and improved vision, according to the American Society for Nutritional Sciences. This fruit also comes with beaucoup...
Fall for This One-Pan Turmeric Healing Bowl
Turmeric is a staple in balancing the body from an Ayurvedic perspective. It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and detoxifier and balances all three doshas. It’s particularly beneficial for balancing excess Kapha in the body. Many people know that turmeric is good for them but beyond a turmeric latte, it can be initially difficult to integrate turmeric into everyday cooking.Discover your...
10 Foods That Help Boost Your Immunity to Fight COVID-19
Here is a list of 10 immune-boosting foods with antiviral properties helping the immune system’s ability to destroy pathogens In combination with good hygiene.
7 Vegan Recipes for the Fourth of July
When you think about Fourth of July it’s usually centered around burgers, hot dogs, ribs, chicken, sausages, skewers ... the list goes on. Basically, any meat you can BBQ will be found in many Fourth of July celebrations. But what if you don’t eat meat? Or perhaps you just want to have vegan recipes at your Independence Day celebration?There are...
What Should You Eat During a Pandemic?
What should you eat during a pandemic? This question seems to come up a lot these days, and rightly so. The focus on strengthening your immunity and steadying your mood is vital when thinking about what to eat during a pandemic. Implementing simple ways to build your body’s defenses to reinforce its protective powers is paramount for when (and if!)...
6 Foods To Heal & Improve Your Liver's Health
Show your liver some love and eat some foods that will help clean it and improve its health. The experts at Chopra have identified 6 foods that will help.
7 Clean-Eating Recipes Perfect for Winter
Winter is a time when indulgent foods are really desirable. Think about it—it’s cold outside, it gets darker earlier, and you’re always bundled up in a coat or a blanket. The last thing you want to do is drink a frozen smoothie or eat a cold salad, right? It’s easy to get in the habit of eating a little on...
5 Family-Friendly Healthy Winter Dishes
When you think of winter, you probably imagine heavy soups and casseroles or steaming mugs of herbal tea or cocoa. While those hearty foods are all delicious and comforting on a chilly day, there’s so much more variety you can enjoy with healthy winter dishes.Take advantage of the extra time spent indoors to get creative in the kitchen and discover...
7 Keto-Friendly Recipes for Winter
Have you heard of the ketogenic diet? It’s a diet trend that is similar to the Atkins diet from the 70s. It’s a low-carb, high-fat way of eating. The purpose of eating minimal carbohydrates is to put the body into a state of ketosis, where it’s burning fat as energy instead of glucose. This happens when not enough glucose is...
10 Real-Food Snacks to Boost Your Energy
Snacking is something most people do every day and oftentimes it’s centered around an event or activity. Going to a movie? Get some goodies. Jumping in the car for a road trip? Pack the snacks. Hungry at the beach? Bust out the refreshments! But snacks aren’t always a good idea because, in the standard American diet, snack foods often aren’t...
5 Warming Winter Recipes That Are Nutritious & Delicious
Brrrr, winter is here, and you can feel it in the air. Fall has ended, and the mornings and nights are colder with each passing day. You can bundle up by the fire, wear an extra layer of clothing, or perhaps a beanie, but keeping yourself warm starts on the inside. Your body maintains its temperature as best it can,...
6 Healthy Harvest Foods to Enjoy This Winter
Big soup pots simmering on your stove, cozy nights by the fire, and mugs of warming tea—wintertime is cherished by many as a time to nourish, restore, and snuggle up for the cold days and long nights. While there are many health benefits that derive from a seasonal eating approach, the winter months can present a small conundrum because it...
7 Winter Breakfast Foods That Seem Indulgent But Are Actually Healthy
When you think about breakfast in the winter, what comes to mind? Is it a big stack of pancakes with butter and warm maple syrup? Or maybe large cinnamon rolls with sweet icing on top? Muffins, scones, croissants, breakfast sandwiches with egg and cheese … anything that is warm and indulgent sounds good during the winter months.Although those foods sound...
Neutralize Your Body pH With the Right Foods
Your body functions optimally with a pH of 7.4. Find out the best foods to eat to achieve the ideal acidic-alkaline balance, improving your mental & physical performance.
5 Vegan Desserts Perfect for a Holiday Party
Holiday parties are fun for many reasons, and the food you share is typically one of them—especially the desserts. But often the desserts can be full of butter, milk, and eggs. If you’re hosting a vegan party or have vegan guests, you need yummy vegan desserts that your guests will actually enjoy eating. These recipes are perfect for delighting in...
Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes for the Whole Family
Thanksgiving is a holiday centered around family and food. Everyone joins around a dinner table and eats together in thankfulness. While the most important part about Thanksgiving is gratitude and connection, it helps when there is a table full of delicious food. Not only that, but it can be healthy too.Most Thanksgiving recipes are loaded with fat, sugar, and calories....
Fall Smoothies: 5 Recipes to Shake It Up Using the Season's Best
Depending on where you live on this beautiful earth, fall is the season of new beginnings and the transition between summer and winter. It includes the months of September, October, and November. The weather changes and gets a little more chilly in the mornings and at night, but you can still feel that warm sunshine during the day. It brings...
5 Foods That Are High in Vitamin D
Sunshine is unreliable, particularly in winter. Sun exposure, for your daily vitamin D, may not be possible. It's a good idea to find foods high in vitamin D.
5 Fall Foods Full of Flavor
Have you heard of the six flavors? Each flavor is known in Ayurveda (the traditional medicine of India) for different qualities and elements. Each of the six flavors has its own unique medicinal properties that can be honed and fine-tuned within your eating. Often known as the taste of satiation, the combination and balance of all six flavors are said...
5 Easy Vegan Recipes to Take on the Go
When you think of on-the-go foods, what comes to mind? Is it fast food, packaged snack foods like chips or crackers, or energy bars? There are so many convenience foods in grocery stores, gas stations, and liquor stores that it’s easy to consume processed foods on a daily basis. Especially when you’re on the go, it’s too easy to get...
Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?
Breakfast is an important meal to include in your daily eating pattern. Just make sure it’s healthy, and you'll reap benefits ranging from better focus to an increased metabolism and feeling fuller.Mornings can be complicated and can even feel impossible at times. Fitting in a healthy breakfast can seem like an uphill battle you don't want to fight, but it...
What Is Vedic Cooking?
Ayurveda, an ancient, holistic practice rooted historically in India, is guided by two main principles: The mind and the body are connected. The mind has the utmost power to heal the body. Within that framework, being healthy depends on harmony between the two. In fact, living an Ayurvedic or “vedic” life is all about balance and, not surprisingly, vedic cooking...
10 Foods That Help Fight Stress
Stress is a word everyone is familiar with and a feeling that everyone experiences. There are different kinds of stress—mental, physical, emotional—but the body responds in the same way no matter what the stressor is.Your adrenal glands, which are grape-sized glands that sit on top of your kidneys, are responsible for your body’s stress response. The stress response includes hormones...
What Vegetables & Fruit Should You Refrigerate?
Should you refrigerate apples? What about grapes, cucumbers, or onions? Minimize food waste with our comprehensive produce refrigeration guide.
12 Foods to Enhance Brain Functioning
The brain. It’s a complex organ! You would love to have a brain that functions more optimally, right? You may think you’re stuck with the brain you have—and that’s true to a point—but you can optimize the functioning of your cognitive abilities with your diet. How cool is that?There are certain foods that enhance brain functioning and help improve memory....
Eating with the Season: 6 Autumn Produce Favorites + 3 Recipes
‘Tis the season to bask in the golden hue of autumn sunlight, to cozy up in a warm flannel, to snuggle up with those you love, and to celebrate the bountiful harvest with tasty seasonal food that nourishes your body, mind, and soul.Choosing seasonal produce is an effective way to attune your body to nature. Eat more whole, locally grown...
15 Nutrient-Dense Foods to Add to Your Diet
Your diet is supposed to include so many vitamins and minerals and anti-inflammatories and antioxidants and more! If you want to elevate your way of eating for higher energy and vibrant health, you'll need to select some powerhouse food choices. Follow this guide to learn where to start.Let’s review—from a holistic perspective—different practices that may be affecting the nutritional density...
4 Non-Dairy Foods That Are High in Calcium
Milk builds strong bones. That’s a phrase that’s been repeated for decades. But what does that statement imply? What it should say is that calcium builds strong bones, because it’s the calcium that matters for bone health. If you are allergic, lactose intolerant, or just choose not to include dairy in your diet, there are plenty of non-dairy foods that...
7 Plant-Based Foods That Are High in Iron
Iron, or (Fe), is known as one of the most common elements on earth, making up five percent of the earth’s crust. Iron is an essential trace mineral imperative for a healthy body—from energy production, to transporting oxygen in the blood, to cognitive function, to a more balanced mood, iron is a nutrient you want to make sure to include...
Papaya Fruit: 3 Health Benefits and 5 Recipes
Papaya is a sweet, tropical fruit that has so much flavor, but even more health benefits. It’s a unique looking fruit that’s large in size and has an inside full of small round black seeds. When it’s sliced in half lengthwise it looks like a boat! The inside is bright orange and the outside is green when it’s unripe but...
Eat These 5 Fermented Foods to Improve Digestion
Fermented foods are receiving quite a buzz these days. Everything related to gut health is seen more on health and nutrition blogs and found on grocery store shelves. But will fermented foods’ benefits help you?What Are Fermented Foods?Let’s start at the beginning. Fermented foods are foods that have undergone the fermentation process. Fermentation is a process that uses bacteria or...
How to Incorporate More Omega-3s Into Your Daily Diet
You've probably heard a lot about omega fats and their importance, but what about their unique makeup is so special? Well, it turns out, they are not only special, but they are also essential. Why? Because your body can't make them on its own so you must get them from the foods you eat. Let's explore why these particular fats...
Superfood Favorites: 5 Health Benefits of Acai Berries + 5 Recipes
Acai berries are a small purple berry with a powerful punch of flavor and nutrition. Have you tried them before? You’ll commonly see them in pureed preparations like smoothies or acai bowls, but they can also be found in a powder form. Acai berries taste similar to a blackberry but a little sweeter and less tart. They’re a staple food...
6 Health Benefits of Garlic
You likely know garlic well, as it is a popular ingredient in almost every culture’s cuisine around the world. Considered a potent sulfurous vegetable (yes, it’s considered a vegetable—it’s part of the onion family), the effects of garlic can be imbibed in a variety of ways from raw to fermented and sautéed to capsuled as dietary supplements.Garlic’s nutritional qualities make...
9 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has many medical uses and benefits. Learn the 9 best from the experts at Chopra today.
4 Health Benefits of Kefir, Plus 5 Recipes
Kefir is a traditional food, originating in Eastern Europe and Russia in the Caucasian mountains. Derived from the Turkish word keyif, which means “feeling good,” kefir became a tonic that was enjoyed beyond Eastern Europe.What Is Kefir?Kefir is a slightly more-liquid version of yogurt. Often recommended for its impressive probiotic levels, kefir both does well as a stand-alone fermented beverage...
5 Ways to Incorporate More High-Fiber Foods in Your Diet
Fiber is something you are likely familiar with. Commercials on TV try to sell you dry fiber crackers and chalky powders to make you more regular. If you’re constipated, prune juice always seems to be recommended as the cure for what ails. But a high-fiber diet doesn’t have to be gross and unsatisfying. You can achieve healthy digestion while enjoying...
Are Organic Foods Really Better for You?
American consumers fill their grocery baskets with organic foods now more than ever, according to a survey conducted by the Organic Trade Association. In 2018, organic food sales in the U.S. hit a new record—$52.5 billion—an increase of 6.3 percent from the year prior.Some people think organic foods tout more health benefits, flavor, and safety—for humans, animals, and the planet—than...
Mushroom Nutrition: Benefits & Recipes
Are you a fan of mushrooms? Or do they intimidate you? Mushrooms may seem complicated because there are so many different varieties. Some are safe to eat, some are poisonous, some are psychedelic, but did you know they are all a fungus? The world of mushrooms goes in many different directions, but there are many mushroom species that can be...
Superfood Favorites: Goji Berries
You may have heard of the red, tart, and somewhat trendy goji berry. Maybe you’ve even tried a handful in a superfood trail mix or a sip in a health food store juice sample. But did you know that the goji berry—traditionally known as the wolf berry—has been around for more than 2,000 years?Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) considers the goji...
Chlorella vs. Spirulina: What’s the Difference?
Chlorella vs spirulina, what are they and what are they're benefits? Learn more about these twins and what they can do for you.
5 Health Benefits of Probiotics
Probiotics is a word that you’ve likely heard—whether your friend at the gym told you about her kombucha drink that has probiotics or you saw an advertisement on TV trying to sell you on a probiotic supplement. When you read any article related to gut health, probiotics are usually the main focus and for good reason. Probiotics have been proven...
5 Foods That Improve Memory and Focus
What would your life be like if you had a spectacular memory and could remember everything you ever read, heard, or saw? That is not reality. With so many distractions, it’s easy for your mind to wander and lose focus, which can also be called “brain fog.” Because of that, you become forgetful. But what if your short- and long-term...
Healthy Fat vs. Unhealthy Fat: What's the Difference?
What comes to your mind when you think of fat? Do you believe it’s good, bad, or are you indifferent? There are many varying viewpoints, and studies show about half of consumers are confused and don’t know which are good or bad. Let’s clear up some confusion by exploring the different types of fats.The truth is your body needs fat,...
The Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon, a spice derived from the bark of the cinnamon tree, has maintained its popularity for thousands of years. This valuable spice originated in Asia, having particular popularity in Sri Lanka and India. Today it is grown in several climates worldwide, and available in nearly every supermarket.Cinnamon is used in several forms: Cinnamon capsules as supplements Cinnamon added as a...
9 Healing Foods to Boost Your Immune System
Imagine having an immune system so strong that you can be around those who are sick, but not get their sickness. Wouldn’t that be amazing? You wouldn’t have to miss work or lie in bed all day, but you could power through the common cold and flu season untouched. The key to this is a strong immune system. How can...
3 Health Benefits of Raw Honey
There are so many medicinal foods found on the earth, and raw honey is no exception. Not only is it medicinal, but it’s also sweet and delicious. It’s used as a sweetener in tea and desserts, and it gets drizzled over acai bowls and yogurt. Some people even just enjoy it by the spoonful!How Is Honey Made?But what is honey?...
Which Foods Are High in Fiber?
You’ve heard about the importance of fiber in your diet because of its many benefits—it keeps you regular, creates feelings of satiety, supports the digestive system, and helps in lowering cholesterol. However, do you know some of the other important roles it plays?Aside from the roughage that sweeps through your digestive tract, pushing remaining contents through the body, how is...
6 Plant-Based Healthy Fats to Include in Your Diet
Low-fat diets are a thing of the past, avocado toast is on everyone’s plate, and coconut oil is being added to coffee. A big change from the low-fat diet trend in the 90s, right? Contrary to the beliefs of the past, eating fat does not make you fat. But quality and type of fat is important for other aspects of...
Chia Vs. Flax: Which One Is Better?
Chia seeds and flaxseeds are both excellent additions of your diet. But which should you pick for your diet? Learn more from the experts at Chopra.
8 Surprising Benefits of Blueberries
There is nothing quite like a bowl of fresh blueberries to snack on. The popular plump and sweet little berries are so tasty that they are sometimes referred to as nature’s candy. Blueberries have taken center stage for their vast and dynamic health benefits. From rich antioxidant properties to notable anti-inflammatory relief, blueberries are worth ensuring they land on your...
3 Comfort Food Recipes That Are Actually Healthy
Comfort food—everyone craves it from time to time. Especially in the cold weather or when you’re feeling under the weather! But comfort food typically comes with a heavy, bloated feeling afterward since stereotypical comfort food is fried chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits and gravy, chicken noodle soup—full of carbs that leave you tired. But while it all might taste good at...
The Anatomy of a Nutrition Facts Label
At their best, nutrition facts labels are helpful. They provide information about the macronutrient content of a food (i.e., the types of nutrients required in large amounts in the diet) including fat, protein, and carbohydrates.However, knowledge is not always power. You may feel overwhelmed by the information on a nutrition facts label. How much fat is too much? What is...
A Look at 4 Popular Diet Plans: Which Is Best for You?
The word diet doesn’t necessarily mean deprivation. It’s a term that you may hear and instantly associate with drinking detox drinks and eating rice cakes to lose weight. But that’s not the case. A diet is just a specific way of eating. Your diet is the food that you consume on a daily basis.Which diet is best for you? What...
What Is the Difference Between a Plant-based and Vegetarian Diet?
They may seem like synonyms. However, “vegetarianism” and “plant-based” are not interchangeable dietary terms. Not only can the motivation to adopt one diet over the other vary, but the guidelines, pros, and cons for each also come with distinctions worth knowing.What Is a Plant-based Diet?With a plant-based diet, also sometimes called a whole-foods diet, you follow these basic principles: Vegetables,...
Uncovering the Paleo Diet: What You Need to Know
The paleo diet, often referred to as the caveman diet or hunter-gatherer diet, is based on the premise that genetically you are almost identical to your stone-age ancestors. The paleo diet plan is set up accordingly: if your caveman ancestors did not eat it, then neither should you, hence the name paleo diet—short for paleolithic diet. This popular primal eating...
7 Vegan Breakfasts to Jump-Start Your Morning
The alarm rings. You get ready, rush out the door, head toward a drive-through to grab coffee, then crash a couple hours later once the caffeine wears off. Sound familiar? Mornings can get pretty hectic, and if you don’t make time to eat breakfast, you won’t have any fuel in your body.Or maybe you do eat breakfast, but you grab...
The In’s and Out’s of Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting (IF) continues to have its moment. Click around the internet and you’ll find that it lands in nearly every top diet trends round-up. Albeit popular, it isn’t new.Fasting is one of the oldest dietary interventions and healing traditions known to us. It’s been part of human culture and religion for thousands of years.Today, intermittent fasting has arguably helped...
8 Vegan Recipes for Your Next Dinner Party
Dinner parties are always fun. But they can come with a lot of stress as well, especially if you’re catering to special diets, like veganism. It’s always good to have an array of different dishes for special diets so that your guests who have dietary restrictions feel like they have options. And yummy ones, too!Here are eight easy vegan recipes...
10 Paleo Lunch Ideas
If you follow a paleo diet, the typical brown-bag or toss-in-a-cooler-bag lunch of a sandwich, chips, cookie, and soda won’t do. The paleo diet mimics what people hunted, gathered, and ate during the Paleolithic era more than 10,000 years ago: meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. The diet typically excludes foods created by modern farming: processed sugar, dairy, legumes,...
7 Health Food Trends You Should Know About in 2019
A new year means new beginnings. And new beginnings are the start of new trends including in the health food space. The health industry is constantly changing and evolving, which is fantastic because with each year comes new information; without change, the market remains stagnant and outdated. So what is 2019 going to bring in health food trends?Let’s first take...
7 Healthy Eating Rituals to Improve Your Meals
Ritual has been known to give people a sense of connection and presence. In cultures far and wide, various types of ritual have been celebrated, cherished, and passed down through the generations. As with any other area of your life, you can create ritual with your eating.One of the most important ways to ritualize your eating is through customized rituals...
5 Nutrients Your Body Needs During Winter
Winter: the weather is colder, days are shorter, and your body works overtime to keep your system healthy. As seasons change, so do the needs of your body. Think about winter—there is less sunshine, more cases of the flu, and increased exhaustion from demanding schedules as a new year begins. Between December and March, your body needs extra attention in...
3 Warming Soup Recipes to Fend Off Winter Weight Gain
Cold weather, post-holiday hustle, sweet treats, and added stress—sounds like winter! And with all those things it’s easy to put on a few (or more) pounds. In cold weather, your body uses energy to keep the body warm, which takes energy away from digestion and metabolism. Your metabolism naturally slows down so it’s easier to gain weight during winter.In Ayurveda,...
7 Ingredients That Help Your Digestion
As Hippocrates said, “All health begins in the gut.” While your digestion is known as the root of your health, eating for a healthy digestion can be both complex and confusing. The overall quality of food has diminished through over-processing, and the busyness and stress of modern life can wreak havoc on your digestive systems. Below you will find some...
6 Steps to Ease Into a Vegetarian Diet
Transitioning into a new way of eating should be slow and steady. When you make a massive change or go “cold turkey” with something, it’s less likely to last for the long-term. And with any lifestyle change, having a reason why you’re doing it will help further the success. Make a decision to change based on your why and then...
7 Strategies to Aid Your Digestion on Thanksgiving
Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls—the Thanksgiving table is full of food! Not to mention the pumpkin pie and other desserts. Every family has their own traditions and different dishes they serve on Thanksgiving, but every Thanksgiving table has one thing in common—there’s a lot of food! Your digestive system has to do a...
5 Dishes to Make Your Thanksgiving Vegan
Thanksgiving is a time when families and friends gather together to share a specially prepared feast, camaraderie, and each other’s company. Why not put a different spin on your Thanksgiving meal this year by incorporating the time-honored wisdom of Ayurveda and embracing ahimsa (nonviolence) by making the meal completely vegan.The following recipes incorporate the six tastes of Ayurveda—sweet, salty, sour,...
5 Ways to Boost Your Immunity
Who has time for getting sick? I know I don’t! Whether it’s just a common cold or something as miserable as the stomach flu, it always seems to come at the most inconvenient times—especially during the fall and winter season when kids are in school and the holidays are in full swing.The more things you can do to boost your...
8 Healthier, Real-Food Halloween Treats
With Halloween just around the corner, you may be wondering how to keep you and your family healthy during the most sugary holiday of the year. While most Halloweens will be chock full of conventional, sugary candy, there are quite a few natural, real-food snacks for you to incorporate, too.Once you (and your family) develop a taste for healthy real-food...
5 High-Sodium Foods to Avoid Today
Consuming too much sodium is not ideal for a healthy diet. But with the foods that make up the standard American diet (SAD), many people consume too much sodium every day. The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that male and female adults should consume no more than 2300 mg of sodium per day. The Centers for Disease Control and...
8 Nut Butters Chock Full O’Health
There was a time where the only “nut butter” you saw on the grocery store shelves was peanut butter—of varying quality and nutritional benefit. Today, when you walk down the nut butter aisle in most grocery and health food stores, you will find a variety of nut butters, seed butters, and delightful combinations of the two. Nut and seed butters...
Add These 4 Fall Harvest Foods to Your Diet
Autumn is the season of the harvest—a plentiful time to forage and gather. During the most colorful and abundant season of the year, you may find yourself wanting to cook delicious fall soups and stews. It’s time to savor the applause of nature’s harvest and bounty. Here are four fall harvest foods—seasonal produce specific to fall—for you to try this...
Is a Gluten-Free Diet Right for You?
Gluten-free diets are common. Research shows that approximately 1 percent of the population worldwide has celiac disease (gluten intolerance), and nearly 10 percent of people in the U.S. are gluten sensitive. Gluten is the protein found in many grains in the form of gliadin or glutinens.Grains containing gluten include: Wheat Spelt Barley Rye Farro Kamut Triticale When to Go Gluten...
7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods and Spices to Include in Your Diet
Why do you need to know about anti-inflammatory foods and spices? Evidence shows that chronic inflammation is at the root of many different diseases—from a simple sinus infection to cancer. If inflammation is an underlying cause of sickness and disease, it makes sense to reduce inflammation as much as possible.Using food as your medicine is one way to reduce the...
6 Nutrient-Packed Fall Vegetables
When summer turns to fall, it’s more than just a weather change. Although the days get shorter and the nights get colder, the freshest produce changes, too! Many vegetables that aren’t in season during the summer months come alive in fall. Fall produce is more grounded—think root vegetables. The veggies listed below are packed with nutrients and should be included...
6 Benefits of Turmeric—The Queen of Spices
Turmeric! This wonder spice has been in the news as study after study touts its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, wound-healing, pain-relieving, anti-arthritic, anti-dementia, and even anti-cancer properties. According to Dr. Michael Greger, author of How Not to Die, more than 5,000 articles have been published in medical journals about the health benefits of curcumin, the pigment that gives turmeric its bright yellow...
Spirulina: The Superfood for Energy
Have you heard of spirulina? Don’t be surprised if you haven’t! It’s not a food that is commonly found in the standard American diet. However, it’s incredibly nutrient-dense, which means it provides a variety of different vitamins and minerals. Spirulina’s long history reaches back to the Aztec civilization, but the superfood became popular in modern times when NASA discovered that...
5 Dinner Recipes with 9 Ingredients or Less
Convenience is key when it comes to cooking. Between work, family, school, exercise, obligations—life just gets busy! Not everyone has time to spend hours slaving over the stove every night after work. Nor would anyone want to!There is nothing better than a quick and easy recipe that doesn’t have a laundry list of ingredients. And the good news is that...
Which Foods Lower Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure is a term most people are familiar with, but what exactly is it? Blood pressure is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the pressure of the blood circulating through your vessels. Simple, right? But blood pressure is extremely important to your overall heart health.According to the American Heart Association, your blood pressure is measured in two ways: Systolic...
10 Anti-Aging Foods to Add to Your Diet
Your outer beauty and radiance are a direct reflection of your inner health. The foods you eat unequivocally influence your personal fountain of youth down to a cellular level. One essential quality to include in your quest to look and feel your best is food high in powerful antioxidants. Anti-aging products can only take you skin deep, you must begin...
What You Need to Know About 5 Popular Condiments
Sauces and condiments play a large role in many diets. Any food item you consume daily—including condiments—has the potential to affect your health. The ingredients in leading American condiments could be undoing your dietary health goals.Below you will find five of the most common condiments, with explanations for why they might not be optimal for your health, along with suggestions...
5 Health Benefits of Quinoa
Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) is known as an ancient Andean grain, but it’s not a grain—it’s a seed! Quinoa seeds originated and is cultivated in South America along the Andes mountains. It comes from a stress-tolerant plant known as an Amaranthacean and has been cultivated for 4,000–5,000 years. It has become a staple in many modern diets.Is Quinoa Healthy?Because quinoa is...
5 Ways to Use Food as Medicine
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”—Ayurvedic proverbIt’s hard not to notice the books, documentaries, and podcasts that present research on the association between diet and chronic disease or illness. Emotional well-being is also affected by diet, something that can be overlooked when seeking treatment for mental health issues....
Smoothies vs. Juices: Which Is Better?
In the heat of summer, there is nothing more refreshing than a big smoothie or a glass of fresh juice. But are smoothies and juices actually healthy? When it comes to your health, which is better?The truth is, there is no right or wrong answer to that question. When it comes to smoothies vs. juices, the choice depends on what...
6 Ingredients That Aren’t as Healthy As You May Think
When looking at a nutrition label, most people think it’s important to look at the calories, fats, sugars, etc. However, the ingredients are just as important as anything else on the nutrition label. Those calories, fats, and sugars are all made up of the ingredients that are in that product.What about “healthy” foods? Are ingredients important in healthy packaged products,...
6 Superstar Spices of Ayurveda, Plus 3 Recipes
Ayurveda considers food to be one of the most important pillars of health. You have heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.” Ayurveda takes this one step further—you are what you eat and how you digest what you eat. Digestion is the cornerstone of health and immunity in Ayurveda. This is where the magic of spices comes in.Spices have...
6 Light and Easy Summer Dinner Recipes
While summer is a longed-for season to savor, your days may be more playful and social. Added to the expansive days and heat of summer, you may be a little tuckered out by the end of the day. Luckily, the seasonal foods of summer are generally lighter, fresher, and much quicker to prepare.Here are six simple, quick, and delicious recipes...
5 High-Fiber Recipes to Cleanse Your Digestive Tract
Most people know eating fiber is important. But what does that even mean? Why fiber? What is it and what role does it play in your health?Fiber comes in two different types: Soluble: It is just as it sounds—soluble—it can be dissolved. It absorbs water and turns into a gel-like consistency that slows down digestion. This is helpful for satiety...
5 Vegan and Gluten-Free Cooling Summer Recipes
Ayurvedic healing rests on the simple, yet profound principle that like increases like and opposites decrease each other (or, as Hippocrates wisely put it, “opposites are the cure for opposites”). So to find balance during the hot summer (Pitta) days, you may counteract the warm weather by including more of what Ayurveda considers “cooling” foods, while limiting or avoiding “heating”...
Eating for the Environment: The 3 R’s
You can hardly watch the news without being reminded of global warming. Research provided by NASA has found that the atmospheric temperature has risen at an unprecedented rate since 1950; this increase is extremely likely to have been caused by human activities.How? Carbon, the most basic building block of human life, traps heat. Pollution created on Earth through biological emissions,...
10 Popular Diets Explained
Vegan or paleo? Gluten-free or whole grain? Whole food or fat-free? What you should eat gets a lot of press. Wanting to eat healthily is a great first step, but when it comes to aligning with a particular eating style, there are many factors to consider.People are often confused about which dietary approach to choose in order to obtain optimal...
The Vedic Chef: 3 Ayurvedic Recipes that Balance All 6 Tastes
In Ayurveda, there are six tastes that you can include in every meal: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. Meals with all six tastes are great opportunities to help balance flavors and nutrition for better health for everyone in your family (or whoever you are serving).The following three recipes are built from many small dishes and include all six...
3 Ways to Practice Ahimsa in Your Diet
In the Yoga Sutras, the sage Patanjali outlines eight limbs of yoga. The first of these limbs he deems the yamas. The five yamas outline five restraints that an individual can practice in order to reach spiritual awakening. The first of these yamas is the practice of ahimsa.Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term that means nonviolence, both to yourself and the...
5 Foods That Are Full of Lycopene
If you haven’t heard of lycopene before, it’s time to get familiar with lycopene foods that fight cancer, help the heart, & reduce inflammation.
The Whys and Whats of GMOs
Since the beginning of modern agriculture, humans have been genetically influencing crops by cross-breeding to produce desired qualities. In recent times, scientists have leveraged the use of biotechnology to speed up this process and make it more reliable. The process of altering the genetic makeup of a plant to produce desirable characteristics is known as genetic engineering, or GE.For now...
7 Common Myths of Healthy Eating
Eating healthy is expensive. Healthy food doesn’t taste good. You won’t get enough calcium if you don’t consume dairy products.Have you heard those statements before? Or maybe you’ve said those things to yourself. “Healthy eating” has a lot of myths attached to it. Let’s dispell these myths about healthy eating and celebrate everything that a healthy diet has to offer....
Anti-inflammatory Diet: What to Add and Avoid
Summer is the ultimate season for traveling, adventuring, and being outdoors with family and friends. In order to enjoy all of these activities it’s important for you to be in good health so that you aren’t held back from the things you love to do the most. It’s important to nourish your body with an anti-inflammatory diet to keep you...
10 Plant-Based Protein Sources for Vegans
Vegans don’t consume any products that come from an animal-based source or animal protein. All macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fat are only consumed through plant-based sources—which can make it challenging to get enough protein. A common question many vegans are asked is, “How do you get enough protein?” Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to get adequate amounts...
Do Vitamins Make You Healthy?
A variety of multivitamins are available. You can find everything from chewy tablets and candy-like gummies to freeze-dried and pulverized “real-food supplements.” According to the National Institutes of Health, one-third of Americans take some sort of a daily multivitamin. However, science is still struggling to answer the underlying question: do vitamins make you healthier?While the idea of vitamin supplementation is...
5 Top Farmer’s Market Picks for Spring and Summer
Have you ever noticed that your body craves different foods during certain times of the year? During the winter our bodies crave heavier foods like soups, grains, and starchy vegetables. Springtime is when your body is ready to clear out the heavy and rich foods from the winter. It’s a time for renewal, to feel refreshed, and to feel lighter....
Avoid These 7 Foods to Reduce Bloating
Bloating is a build-up of gas in the digestive system, which can make your stomach bulge. Bloating is uncomfortable and painful; it’s that bowling-ball-in-the-stomach feeling.Sometimes bloating feels like intense pain that you can’t shake. If you experience bloating, whether it’s on a daily basis or from time to time, avoid these seven foods that have been shown to increase, or...
The Vedic Chef: 3 Vegetarian Recipes for Spring
One of the best parts of the changing seasons is that new vegetables come into season. Although the interconnectedness of the world means that most produce can be found year-round (it’s always being grown somewhere!), your palate is primed for the changes in what’s available locally at their traditional in-season times.Broccoli, ginger, and zucchini are flavorful and healing ingredients that...
3 Reasons to Include Spring Greens in Your Diet
While winter meals rely mainly on nutrient-dense, shelf-stable dietary staples, spring brings out your inner hunter-gatherer. Fresh and bright fruit and vegetable options are springing up in grocery stores. One of the first available foods, and most important dietary staples, of the springtime Ayurvedic diet is leafy green vegetables.Here are three reasons to reach for your greens this spring.1. They...
10 High-Nutrient Leafy Greens That Aren’t Kale
Kale gets a lot of press for good reason. Studies have found that it’s packed with nutrients like beta-carotene and vitamin C, and it’s also high in fiber. Kale quickly became the king of greens because it’s so versatile. Because of its high fiber content, kale holds up well in just about any method of cooking. Steam, sauté, bake, or...
The Benefits and Risks of Kombucha
Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been popularized by yoga culture and in holistic health circles. Though these groups have brought kombucha mainstream in North America, its consumption goes back thousands of years. The first documented record of kombucha was in 220 B.C., where it was prized in the Chinese Tsin Dynasty for its energizing and detoxifying properties; it...
5 Sweet and Healthy Chocolate-y Treats for Valentine’s Day
Whether or not you are in a romantic relationship, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of ALL things love. This could be sharing a day of love with a romantic partner or it could mean sharing love with friends and family. Most importantly, this Valentine’s day it’s time to practice and celebrate self-love.There are two essential elements of a self-love practice:...
Learn to Fast the Healthy Way
Discussions about improvements for health frequently focus on additions to your diet and exercise plan. You resolve to exercise more, eat more vegetables, take more supplements, or drink more water. However, one of the simplest strategies to improve your longevity and decrease disease could lie in taking in less.Fasting, or a periodic refraining from food, drink, or both, is an...
5 Meal-Prep Tips to Help You Plan for a Healthy Week
Being prepared for a week of healthy eating can be a daunting task. We’ve all seen photos of the ‘perfect’ fridge stacked with meals for the whole week. While this strategy works for a small percentage of people, it is overwhelming and unrealistic for everyone else. Yet, you know that when there is no healthy food prepared in the fridge...
3 Reasons to Cook Your Own Meals
As the saying goes, “You are what you eat.” The human body is made of trillions of cells involved in a continuous cycle of cell death and rebirth. Although genetics plays a large role in susceptibility to disease, you have an opportunity each and every day to feed your cells with vital life energy from the food you eat. The...
Exploring the Mindset and Psychology Behind Your Food Choices
As you look into the future of nutrition and weight loss, it is evident that dieters are in need of a new approach. There were an estimated 108 million Americans on a diet in 2012. Surprisingly, there is no single scientific study that proves that dieting even works for long-term weight loss. Even though consumers are spending $66.3 billion on...
3 Healthy Holiday Dessert Recipes
Holidays are a time to get together with family, and inevitably, there are plenty of food temptations at events and gatherings. Being that desserts are more readily available at this time of year, it’s easy to overdo it with your sweet tooth. After eating too many rich desserts, you may be left feeling physically sluggish and emotionally stressed from feeling...
6 Lessons in Healthy Eating from Those Who Live to 100
A long, healthy life is about much more than good genes; it’s highly dependent on building healthy habits. Habits—both good and bad—are an integral part of your everyday life. Part of forming healthy habits is to become intentional with them until they become ingrained into your daily routine. It will take effort on your part, but if the payoff could...
5 Habits of People Who Have a Healthy Relationship with Food
Like many people, I did not have a healthy relationship with food growing up. I was raised with a mother who suffered from poverty consciousness and we were, in fact, living for many years at poverty level. The mentality about food was either feast or famine. When we went to a buffet or gathering where food was present, my mom...
How to “Wine” The Ayurvedic Way
Wine has been around for thousands of years, both as a beverage and as a medicine. Researchers have found Egyptian vessels dating from as early as 3150 B.C. that contained remnants of wine. It is believed that the containers originally held large vessels of wine with dissolved herbs that was used as an early form of herbal medicine.The culture of...
5 Quick and Healthy Go-To Breakfasts
You may find yourself struggling to fit a healthy breakfast into your life. Between getting the kids ready for school, trying to get some exercise, and getting to the office on time, there is little time left to prepare a healthy meal. In addition to rushing in the morning you may feel overwhelmed by the variety of breakfast choices and...
Bringing Gratitude to Our Food System
Have you ever stopped to think about what it takes to get the food on your plate?Most people eat three times per day (or more), but rarely take the time to think about where the food comes from. Less than 100 years ago your grandparents used to go to their local market or butcher shop to purchase their ingredients. They...
Top 6 Natural Sweeteners
Sugar intake is at an all-time high in the United States. In response to these statistics and warnings from medical professionals, consumers are beginning to search out other sweetener alternatives. Artificial sweeteners are not a healthier alternative to processed sugar because they are made up of chemicals that have their own set of negative side effects. With this all said,...
Unraveling the Secrets of Umami
In Japanese, the word umai means delicious. Umami, the most recently identified taste, has only been on the scene for the last 100 years. It provides the element of savory, which had not previously been described by the four Western-medicine defined tastes of sweet, salty, bitter, and sour; they were identified by research using taste buds. (Ayurveda, on the other...
Cooking with Tea: 5 Recipes Using Tea as a Spice
There’s nothing quite as comforting on a brisk fall day as curling up on the couch and sipping on a mug of spiced chai tea, or enjoying a cup of green tea with a touch of honey in the morning before you jump into your busy day.But tea can be enjoyed outside the cup, too, in ways that extend far...
Lunch: The Most Important Meal of the Day
Your nutrition is defined by the answers to three simple questions: What do you eat? How do you eat? When do you eat? While most conversations about nutrition focus on the first question, the “how” and “when” are just as important to our digestion and well-being.With so many recommendations floating around, it can be hard to decide what meal pattern...
Thrive Over 65: Nutrition Tips for Seniors
When it comes to aging, there is no “one size fits all” plan. Vitality varies from person to person. However, there are many ways you can help combat some of the health concerns commonly associated with aging.Most gerontologists agree that the root cause of physiological losses associated with aging—i.e., loss of muscle, skin elasticity, or changes to organ function—result from...
Top 5 Plant-Based Superfoods to Beat Stress
There is no shortage of stress in daily life. Your kids won’t stop fighting. Your flight is delayed. Your boss gives you a tight deadline. You try to juggle all your responsibilities and still find time for yourself.These types of demands can contribute to emotional unrest and tension. No matter the source, stress often leads to physiological changes within the...
7 Healthy Eating Habits for Your Busy Work Day
Do you find it challenging to prioritize your health during your workday? Between meetings, constant emails, and never-ending tasks, it may seem like there is no time to take care of yourself. If you find yourself skipping meals, drinking multiple cups of coffee per day, or hitting the candy drawer several times a day, it’s time to make a shift.Some...
6 Tricks to Stock Your Fridge Like a Health Food Nut
Good intentions to eat healthy and lose weight can easily be sabotaged by high stress and long work hours. You buy the vegetables to make a tofu stir-fry, but when you arrive home from work or picking up the kids from day care, you’re over hungry. As a result, while you’re chopping veggies, you find yourself snacking on gummy bears...
5 Healthy Desserts You’ll Love to Eat for Breakfast
As the most important meal of the day, breakfast is deserving of your undivided attention. It gives your body the energy it needs to kick-start the day and keep up with jobs, kids, pets, errands, yoga classes, and everything in between. Breakfast has also been shown to have a variety of health benefits beyond daily nourishment, like aiding in weight...
Top 6 Foods to Improve Your Digestion
Have you ever heard the saying, “You are what you eat?” It’s true—and you are what you digest and absorb, too. You could be eating the healthiest food in the world, but if you are not able to break down your food efficiently and absorb the nutrients, then you are missing out on a big opportunity for nourishment.The first place...
5 Reasons to Up Your Fiber Intake
Fiber may not be the sexiest part of your diet, but it’s one of the most important. Dietary fiber consists of the non-digestible carbohydrates, mostly from components of plants. The human body does not make the types of enzymes needed to break the bonds in these fibers, so they pass through the body relatively intact.There are two types of fiber—soluble...
Salad Guidelines: How to Add Variety and Nutrients
Do you ever get bored of eating the same salad over and over again?If your answer is “yes,” then it’s time to mix it up a bit! There are so many fantastic salad mixtures for you to try without having to be a master chef in the kitchen.As you probably already know, salads are one of the easiest meals to...
Heart-Healthy Fats: 5 Steps to Balance Omega Fatty Acids
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. It’s undeniably an important topic of health discussion and research, with leaders such as the USDA making the following recommendations for dietary interventions: Avoid high-cholesterol foods Choose low-fat or no-fat animal products Replace butter and lard with plant-based oils such as margarine Dietitians and...
6 Cookbooks for Easy, Clean Meals
Do you ever find yourself getting tired of cooking the same recipes? It can feel overwhelming to search for new recipes online and in cookbooks, and most of them seem complicated and too long to make. But before throwing in the towel and going back to your staples, know there are easy-to-follow and delicious recipes out there.Whether you have a...
Vegetarian Cooking: 10 Ways to Make Meatless Meals More Flavorful
Avoiding meat doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice flavor. Everyone has his or her own reason for choosing a vegetarian diet, and health is a common one. When you design a meal, of course you need to make sure it’s going to be full of nutrients, good proteins, and fats. But you need to make sure it’s going to taste...
Summertime Gardening: How to Balance the Heat
Summer is in full swing, and that means you’ll experience high temperatures just about anywhere you go. While summer is a great time for being active outdoors, the natural occurrence of increased heat and light have the effect of raising the Pitta quality in your life. There are many benefits to this (drive, activity, spontaneity), but for those who are...
5 DIY Healthy Fruit Bar Recipes
If you remember chasing after the neighborhood ice cream truck when you were a child, you know the joy that came with tearing the plastic wrap off a Big Stick or Creamsicle and taking that first bite of a cool, refreshing, sweet delight. As an adult, you may want something a little healthier or more natural, for you and for...
Sensational Summer Smoothies: 3 Healthy Recipes
Summer is here, and it’s a great opportunity to pick up your green smoothie habit. It’s common for your taste preferences to change with the seasons, and during the winter time, you probably craved more grounding and warm meals. Now that it’s the summer, it’s time to enjoy lighter and fresher foods.If you tend to be someone who rushes in...
3 Smoothie Recipes to Spark Energy
Over the past few years, smoothies have evolved to become a popular way to consume highly beneficial nutrients through the blending of real food ingredients. The ease of creating a nutrient-packed beverage that can be taken on-the-go is quite appealing, especially in a fast-paced world. This trend has influenced the creation of some pretty unique smoothie recipes, making some people...
6 Holistic Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings
How many times have you told yourself that you are not going to eat any more sugar and then found yourself digging into the next cupcake or candy bar in sight? If you experience cravings for sugar (like many people) you might feel like you have no “willpower” when it comes to sweets, and may even feel like you're addicted...
3 Reasons to Eat More Mushrooms, and 3 Recipes
Maybe it’s because foodies are wising up or maybe it’s because one bite of the irresistible, aromatic truffle sends you to the moon, but mushrooms have finally made their mark on the culinary world. Not so long ago, many people routinely plucked the mushrooms out of their salads at restaurants or scoffed at the family member who dared to order...
Just Beet It: The Pros and Cons of Juicing
The elaborate juice alchemies available in craft juice shops and on grocery store shelves today make some big promises, from detoxification to jumpstarting the immune system to making your skin glow. But does drinking activated charcoal kale lemonade really live up to the hype?Most health care practitioners will tell you it’s more important to chew your vegetables and fruits rather...
Top 8 Kitchen Gadgets for Healthier Cooking
Even if cooking is your favorite thing to do, sometimes you just don’t have the time to create healthy meals. Looking up new recipes, prepping the veggies, timing everything just right … at times it seems easier to hit Whole Foods on your way home from work and buy an overpriced salad, than make yourself a healthy meal.If you’re pinched...
Spring Produce: The 10 Healthiest Springtime Picks
Mother Nature knows what your body needs. Each season, the Earth produces a different set of produce specific to your geographic location. Of course, with the advent of harvesting year-round and the ability to ship virtually anywhere in the world, you can get just about any type of produce you want, anytime you want, in your local grocery store.Instead of...
The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil, How to Use it
Coconut oil has become a popular ingredient of discussion over the past several years. It’s made from drying the kernel or the coconut meat and comes in several different types. The most common types of coconut oil that you will see are virgin coconut oil (unrefined) and refined. Virgin coconut oil has a tropical scent and flavor, whereas refined coconut...
8 Foods to Keep Your Heart Healthy and Lower Your Cholesterol
Over the past few decades, there has been considerable debate about which foods are harmful for heart health. First, it was widespread that butter increases cholesterol levels and it was safer to consume margarine. Then, it came out that margarine—which contains trans fat—was, in fact, harmful for heart health, and that butter was healthier. While it is clear that trans...
Portion Control: How Much Are You Actually Eating?
Perhaps food has always been an issue for you. Maybe you’ve never had an eating disorder, but eating too much and lack of portion control have seemed to be a struggle since you were young.Even if you’re a health food nut, you may have often reasoned that as long as you’re eating organic, healthy food, it’s okay to overindulge.But the...
4 Ways to Reduce Your Gluten Intake
Gluten can be found hiding in many common foods in the Standard American Diet. While you might not have a gluten allergy, known as Celiac Disease, it is possible that you have a nonceliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). This condition, NCGS, is often overlooked as a potential root cause for conditions such as inflammation, IBS, joint pain, multiple sclerosis, eczema, and...
5 Superfoods That Belong in Your Diet
I realize “superfood” carries a certain hype, but some foods do earn that status. Food is medicine, and some foods are more powerful medicines than others. Food is the most powerful tool to create optimal health. Food is the first and most powerful drug in my arsenal to treat patients. These five superfoods are examples of foods that you should...
Is Coffee Good or Bad for You?
“Dr. Hyman, I’m so confused about coffee,” patients say to me, “One day I read that it’s so bad for me and the next it’s good for me. Why all the conflicting information?”Let’s face it: Americans love their coffee, which is the number one source of antioxidants in our diet. In a recent animal study, researchers saw improvements in non-alcoholic...
5 Hearty Vegan Soup Recipes for Winter
Soup is so much more than a delicious comfort food; it’s an ideal way to sneak a heaping load of nutritious veggies into your meals in one shot. Because you retain and consume the water in which it’s cooked, soup packs quite a vitamin and mineral punch. It makes your belly feel full and warms your body from the inside...
4 Nourishing Soup Recipes for Cold Days
There is something nourishing about the warmth and grounding flavors of a hot bowl of soup on a cold winter day. Traditionally, bone broths were used as the base of soups to support the immune system and digestive health, which is probably why soup sounds the most appealing to you when you’re sick—it has so many healing benefits for your...
5 Ways to Get More Greens Without Eating a Salad
If there is one thing you can do to enhance your diet, it’s adding in more green vegetables. These power foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Regardless of what diet you follow—vegetarian, vegan, low-carb, or paleo, adding more green vegetables can support you in improving your overall health. According to Harvard’s School of Public Health, eating vegetables can...
Thanksgiving Meal Makeover: Ingredient Swaps to Make Your Holiday Healthier
Thanksgiving is one of the most special times of the year. Bringing family and friends around the table for a meal is a powerful way to connect with one another. While this is usually a joyful time, it can also bring up feelings of guilt and discomfort when it comes to your relationship with food.With so many delicious options, it’s...
Intention in the Kitchen: 5 Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind and Soul
In a highly connected, chaotic world, finding ways to become grounded and centered seems more important than ever. A non-stop hurried state increases your stress response, which can negatively affect your metabolism—mainly either increasing or decreasing weight.If stress persists over an extended period, it can overtax your body and may even contribute to physical and psychological health problems. While some...
How to Make a Healing Bone Broth
Bone broths have been part of traditional diets around the world for thousands of years. You’ve probably used them for soups or other dishes for flavor, but did you know that they also have incredible healing capacities?Why Bone Broth Is Good for YouThere’s a reason your grandmother always fed you chicken soup with traditional bone broth when you were sick.Traditional...
Autumn Cooking: Fall Foods, Guidelines, and Recipes
Each year, the environment provides subtle hints that fall is on its way. The air smells different, the winds are stronger, and there’s a slight crispness to the atmosphere.Fall is a time of preparation and change for the colder days ahead. It evokes images of bundling up, sitting around fires and enjoying warm, soul-soothing meals. Fall also brings a predominance...
6 Healthy, No-Sugar-Added Desserts
Sugar has been receiving heaps of publicity lately, and not the favorable kind. Diets high in sugar are partially to blame for a host of health issues—from obesity to an increased risk of diabetes.The average American consumes about 20 teaspoons of sugar per day (more than double the recommended amount for men and more than triple the recommended amount for...
How to Fight Oxidative Stress with Plant Foods
Stress is abundant and seems to be on the rise. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 75 percent of doctor visits are due to stress.One type of stress to be aware of is oxidative stress, which occurs when free radicals overwhelm your body’s ability to regulate them. For proper physiological function, it’s necessary to have a...
H2O Breakdown: 5 Types of Water and How They Impact Your Health
Many of us may feel squeamish about drinking water straight from the tap. But are the other water options better? Is purified water, such as distilled water, really all that safe to drink? Is alkaline water the elixir for good health and longevity? In the United States, we’re fortunate to have one of the safest water supplies in the world,...
Sustainable Seafood: Fish to Eat and Fish to Avoid for Optimal Health
Identifying the best sources of fish and other seafood can be overwhelming. If you’re looking for seafood sources that benefit not only your health, but also the environment, it adds another layer of confusion.According to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), nearly three billion people rely on seafood as a major source of protein around the world. Luckily, some great organizations...
6 Vegan BBQ Recipes Everyone Will Love
Whether you’re a full-time vegan or vegetarian, or you dabble in these dietary preferences, you’ve probably found yourself at a BBQ staring down at a table full of grilled meats, wondering what you can eat. The answer is often the consolation prize—perhaps some baked beans or token baby carrots.While carrots and beans are delicious, sometimes you need something heartier—like a...
7 Leafy Greens: A Nutritional Comparison
Not all leafy green vegetables are created equal. Read this guide from Chopra to understand which leafy greens are best for your diet!
Athletic Performance on a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet
Are you thinking about trying a low-carb, high-fat diet? Some people have tried it for weight loss in place of a traditional diet. Others go on an extreme low-carb diet to treat a health condition, such as epilepsy. Studies also show that the low-carb, high-fat diet may potentially enhance athletic performance, with the body’s ability to adapt to burning fat...
An Inside Scoop on the Pros and Cons of Ice Cream and Other Frozen Treats
Summer is a season synonymous with ice cream and frozen desserts because nothing quite highlights a stroll through a park, picnic, or end of a bike ride than something cool and refreshing. When you have a craving for that frozen treat, it can be difficult deciding what kind to grab. Frozen desserts have different characteristics; wide variety exists even within...
4 Key Nutrients in Your Leafy Greens
Do you wrinkle your nose at the thought of eating more leafy green vegetables each day? While leafy greens may be an acquired taste, they are one of the most important foods that you can consume to benefit your health. You have plenty of options to choose from—such as spinach, kale, swiss chard, romaine lettuce, arugula, and collard greens. If...
Raw Milk Versus Pasteurized Milk: Benefits and Risks
Are you on the fence about whether you should take the leap towards drinking raw milk or continue to drink pasteurized? The Food and Drug Administration suggests that consumers should only drink pasteurized milk, since the cow's milk undergoes a process that kills harmful bacteria, also called the pasteurization of milk. However, the process also kills many of the nutrients...
3 Healthy Pestos for Summer Soirées
With warm summer nights—the primetime season for soirées—quickly approaching, it’s exciting to think about all the upcoming barbecues, rendezvous, and outdoor gatherings for summer fun. Not to mention the endless array of simple summer foods. There’s one particular sauce that offers many culinary options; it’s mixable, spreadable, perfect for sharing purposes, and portable. It’s the almighty pesto! Full of flavor...
6 Ways to Cool Down with Cucumbers, Plus Recipes
Summer offers limitless opportunities to move and frolic in the sunshine. As joyous as all those backyard BBQs, trips to the beach, and swimming in the lake may be, sometimes all that fun in the sun can overheat your body.Fortunately, there’s a great way to cool off, both from the inside out and the outside in, using something you probably...
Protein: Building Blocks for Life
In your body, the role of protein spans well beyond building strong muscles. You may be surprised to learn that protein is involved in almost every body function, including protecting the body from foreign particles (such as bacteria), orchestrating chemical reactions in cells, coordinating processes between cells, providing structure to cells, and transporting important molecules throughout the body. In short,...
3 Edible Seeds with Wondrous Benefits
Want to give your meals a gluten-free nutritional boost? Try edible seeds. As little nutritional powerhouses, seeds contain micronutrients, healthy fats, plant-based protein, and easy-to-digest fiber—and you can easily add them to a variety of foods. Keep reading to explore the nutritional landscape of three seed superstars.1. QuinoaQuinoa, pronounced keen-wah, originated in the Andes Mountains, where it has been cultivated...
3 Recipes with an Ayurvedic Twist
We often think of Ayurvedic foods as healthy and flavorful, but full of hard-to-find ingredients requiring hours of preparation.Not so with these three recipes—they will not only help balance your dosha, but also dazzle the dining table and go easy on your schedule.Fresh Pesto and AlmondsAlmonds are considered one of the most sattvic or pure foods in Ayurveda, enlivening the...
The Healthy Spice Cabinet: 7 Healing Spices and 2 Recipes
A spice is a dried bark, berry, bud, fruit, root, or seed used to enhance flavor in food and drinks. Spices have also been used medicinally for thousands of years. In fact, many spices were first used as herbal remedies before ever being incorporated into foods.Throughout history, wars have been waged, trade routes have been established, and new lands have...
Calm Chronic Inflammation with Cherries and Berries
Spring and summer are the seasons of mouth-watering cherries and berries. These fresh, sweet-tasting snacks not only delight the palate; they come with a gift of taming chronic, systemic inflammation.Eating anti-inflammatory foods (and avoiding foods that cause inflammation, such as refined grains, sugar, and hydrogenated fats) can help keep inflammation in check and reduce disease risk. Such is the case...
Balance Your pH for Better Health
To lay a solid foundation for good health, it is important for your body to maintain a balance between two basic types of chemical compounds—acids and alkalis. The measurement of these compounds in your body’s fluids—such as blood, saliva, and urine—is known as the pH. Measuring your pH can help you gauge when your body is out of balance. Your...
Health Benefits of Cooking with Cast Iron
Ever been curious about ways to prepare food that are conducive to healthy eating? Well, it turns out, you can pair your nourishing foods of pleasure with cast iron cookware to increase health benefits. With cast iron, you can not only produce fantastic one-pot wonders on the stove; you can also meet high standards for making tantalizing tarts, cobblers, and...
Heart-Healthy Foods: 3 Recipes for a Strong Ticker
It was once thought that fat and cholesterol were the biggest dietary contributors of heart disease. But with today’s modern research, scientists are finding that sugar and carbs may actually be playing a bigger role in heart disease than fat and cholesterol. For example, Mark Hyman, M.D., cites several studies in his book, The Blood Sugar Solution:The UltraHealthy Program for...
5 Health Benefits from Drinking Tea and Coffee
Coffee and tea not only provide cozy morning rituals and boosts of energy during midday slumps; these hot drinks have also been long acknowledged for their medicinal properties, which primarily come from the caffeine and antioxidants found in coffee beans and tea leaves. While coffee is higher in both caffeine and antioxidants than tea, you can drink more tea throughout...
Cold-Weather Comfort Food: 4 Recipes the Healthy Way
Hearty, home-cooked comfort meals can be reminiscent of childhood and family—but unfortunately, many are laden with unhealthy fats and sugars, or are high in carbs. Looking to eat healthier these days but still want a taste of that comfort food you grew up with? Here are four old classics, revamped into healthier versions that taste every bit as good and...
6 Ways to Reduce Your Carb Intake
There was a time when low-fat, high-carbohydrate (carb) diets were all the rage and it was thought that eating fat caused weight gain. Now research shows that eating carbs can pack on the pounds more than eating fats (especially healthy fats). While there are many benefits that come from eating a low-carb diet, be sure to reduce carbs in moderation;...
Q&A with Dr. Weil: New Year's Resolution—Best Food to Lose?
Question: I'm resolved to make the coming year a healthy one. If I should give up one food, what would it be? And alternatively, if I should add one food to my diet, what would you suggest?Answer:Congratulations on making such a sensible resolution. My top recommendation for a food you should give up is sweetened drinks of all kinds.Although these...
Seasonal Decadence: 3 Healthy Holiday Desserts
Who said that decadent desserts can’t be good for you? Truth is, when desserts are made with ingredients that slow down the digestive process, offer nutritional benefits, and are enjoyed in moderation, they can be nutritiously enjoyable. The holidays are upon us with the delightful scents of mouth-watering goodies—such as cakes, pies, and pastries—that are beginning to fill the air....
The Vedic Chef: Sweet, Sour, and Salty Spanish Tapas
Did you know that tastes can heal you? Ayurveda cooking traditions have long acknowledged the six tastes—sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent, and pungent—for their balancing properties. The goal is to incorporate all tastes into each meal, which can sometimes be challenging. One fun way to make sure you include all tastes is to mix and match snacks. You can incorporate...
4 Gluten-Free, Vegan, Paleo Holiday Cookies
Your gluten-free, vegan, or paleo diet doesn’t mean you need to miss out on holiday treats this year. The four recipes below include holiday cookie favorites, minus wheat flour, animal products, and added sugar.Gingerbread CookiesCreate classic gingerbread cookies and decorate them with currents, raisins, and dried cranberries. If you’re short on time or don’t have gingerbread cookie cutters, you can...
The Vedic Chef: Vegan Ayurvedic Thanksgiving Menu
Thanksgiving dinner can be stacked with challenges for vegans and vegetarians. Turkey is obviously off the menu. And many side dishes include animal- or dairy-based ingredients.Although you might be tempted to succumb to family pressure or politeness to have a slice of bird or just a few bites of heavy-cream-laden mashed potatoes, it’s not worth it if you’re going to...
Is Cholesterol Really an Issue?
Remember when eggs and butter were deemed to be bad for you because they could raise your cholesterol levels? Now you hear they may be OK to eat after all, and maybe high cholesterol isn’t really the issue we once thought it was. With all this flip-flopping back and forth, how do you know what to believe? Is cholesterol really...
Trick or Treat: 7 Halloween Sweets, Snacks, and Treats
Halloween doesn’t have to be filled with scary, sugary treats. Whether your plans include a costume party or trick-or-treating, you and the kids can honor the traditions associated with All Hallows’ Eve while still being mindful of your health.These seven sweets, snacks, and non-edible treats are free of artificial ingredients and chemical colorings that won’t trick your insides.Honey-Sweetened Pumpkin PopcornWhen...
5 Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Fall—Plus 3 Recipes
Fall brings shorter days, longer nights, cooler weather, and a new menu of seasonal foods to help keep your body balanced and well. The fall harvest is full of antioxidant- and fiber-laden fare from Brussels sprouts and pumpkin to parsnips and persimmons. Incorporate these tips and recipes into your life to boost your health during the autumn months.Reach for Root...
12 Foods to Help You Focus
Staying focused in today’s world can be a challenge. Technology presents countless distractions. The constant ping from your smartphone—alerting you to the latest social media notification or text message—can cause even the most focused individual to become scattered.But technology isn’t solely to blame. Stress can add to the challenge. Aging can also play a role as your ability to ignore...
How to Eat the Rainbow for Optimal Health
Look around your grocery store’s produce aisle or farmers market and you’ll notice a rainbow of colors. Besides being beautiful to look at, all of those vibrant colors have a host of nutritional benefits as well. Nature is amazing that way!You might remember learning about Roy G. Biv—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet—the acronym for the colors of...
7 Ancient Grains for a Gluten-Free Diet
The number of people looking for wheat alternatives that are naturally gluten-free due to preference or wheat allergy is growing right alongside the rising incidence of Celiac disease and gluten intolerance.The desire and need for a gluten-free diet has skyrocketed but luckily, there are plenty of alternative gluten-free grains available to consumers. These ancient grains, which originate from countries in...
4 Types of Gluten-Free Noodles for a Healthy Noodle
The noodle is far too versatile to be left to one variety or method of preparation. There are multiple types of noodles and even more ways that they can nourish your body and mind.You can stick to the traditional noodle or expand into new territory for meal diversity and nutritional variety. Different variations on the noodle also provide new options...
6 Foods That Fight Inflammation
Chronic inflammation can be unrelenting, often leaving sufferers without a clear resolution. Fortunately, diet can play a big role in reversing chronic inflammation.Unlike an infection or acute inflammation, which is the body’s natural response to healing a major trauma, chronic inflammation is persistent. Research suggests that chronic inflammation may lead to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and even dementia.Some foods such...
Goodbye Sodium: 7 Herbs That Taste Better Than Salt
Sodium has long been used as a primary flavor enhancer. We need sodium to support the body in maintaining its hydration levels and electrolyte balance, but we tend to rely on it more heavily than we need to. The average American sodium consumption is 3,400 mg per day while the recommended amount is 2,300 mg or less, according to the...
9 Ways to Stay Hydrated Without Drinking Water
As the temperature rises, our bodies adjust to stay cool and balanced. Staying hydrated is a critical part of maintaining that balance.How do you know when you’re properly hydrated? Begin by paying attention to feelings of thirst as well as your water intake throughout the day. If you’re not sure, just look at your urine; if it’s light and clear,...
The Difference Between Fasting, Juicing, and Detoxing
Learn what detoxing, fasting, and juicing are and how they differ. Find out more about the benefits and drawbacks of the latest health trends.
10 Grab-and-Go Healthy Snacks
Trying to find healthy snacks when you’re out running errands, at your kids’ sports events, or at work can be a daunting task. Vending machines and snack counters tend to be full of unhealthy snacks—not to mention the ever-enticing bowl of candy at the office.When you’re on the hunt for a healthy grab-and-go snack, aim for foods with low sugar...
The Vedic Chef: Ayurvedic Late Summer Soups and Salads
Carrot Juice and Coconut Milk Soup With Cardamom and Fresh MintPitta, VataWith accents of cardamom and mint, this soup is refreshing. The potassium in carrot juice can help reduce cholesterol and the manganese and magnesium help stabilize blood sugar levels, thus reducing risk of diabetes. Vitamin K helps in blood clotting and is essential for protein building and the healing...
The Vedic Chef: 3 Gourmet, Vegan, Ayurvedic Dinner Dishes
Whether you’re cooking for a special friend, entertaining family, or treating that special someone to a romantic meal, these dishes are guaranteed to make an impression. Hint: Serve them with fresh organic salad or start with a light soup.Amaranth Crepes With Saffron SaucePitta and Kaphasaffron-amamrnth-asparagus.jpgCrepes are thin pancakes from France. Made with amaranth, a tiny seed related to spinach, these...
4 Tips to Help Picky Kids Transition to an Ayurvedic Diet
As parents, there’s nothing more important than the health of our children. However, sometimes your best efforts can run into resistance.You might find your child doesn’t care for the foods that fall within an Ayurvedic diet. It’s a common issue for parents who want the whole family to start eating according to Ayurvedic principles.The key is to help your child...
Everything You Need to Know About Seaweed
Some 10,000 types of seaweed exist throughout the world, according to the Canadian Museum of Nature. With so many varieties, it’s no wonder that this sea vegetable has been used for more than a millennia. Ancient Chinese texts refer to this mineral-rich nutrient, noting, “There is no swelling that is not relieved by seaweed.”Of the thousands of varieties of seaweed,...
6 Foods That Can Dehydrate You
Did you know that some food and drinks can make you dehydrated? Learn which ones and more from the experts at Chopra.
5 Ways to Make Your Picnic Greener—and Healthier
Picnics were once green affairs—long before words like eco-friendly were part of the everyday vernacular. Food was packed up in crocks along with silverware, dishes and glassware, and then carted—via horse and carriage—to a nearby park or rural area. In the generations since the late 1700s, when French parks became public and picnicking became a popular pastime, picnicking has become...
12 Superfoods for a Healthier Lifestyle
The cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle is putting nutritious food loaded with vitamins, amino acids, and probiotics into your body. It’s easier than you might think. Here are some of the healthiest superfoods you should incorporate into your diet.QuinoaI love this stuff. Quinoa is a gluten-free whole grain with a slightly nutty flavor. It’s high in protein and fiber, low...
3 Low-Glycemic Breakfast Recipes
About nine percent of the world’s adult population, including 30 million Americans, have diabetes, while another 86 million Americans have pre-diabetes or high blood glucose (sugar) levels. About 15 percent of diabetics and pre-diabetics actually have a normal body weight and many are unaware of their high blood sugar levels.High blood sugar can cause a host of symptoms, including excessive...
Going Vegan or Vegetarian? How to Make Sure You Get Complete Proteins
Whether you've become a vegan or vegetarian for environmental, animal rights, or health reasons, one of your primary concerns might be how to avoid nutritional deficiencies and find the protein sources needed for a healthy body.The Complete Scoop on Complete ProteinsProteins, which form up to 20 percent of the human body, control almost all cellular processes in our bodies. They...
The Best Foods for Health-Minded Men
Dietary guidelines differ between men and women with regard to energy needs, total calorie intake, and amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals they need. With so many differences, it only makes sense that nutrient sources and consumption recommendations would also differ.According to the USDA, men should consume between 2,400 and 3,000 calories per day, depending on age, height, weight, and...
Cheap Eats and Recipes for the Health Conscious
Eating healthy on a budget sounds difficult, but the truth is eating homemade meals can be far less expensive than dining out. Plus, you know exactly what you’re putting into your body. No hidden chemicals, artificial flavoring or coloring, sodium, fats, or sugars. And, more often that not, homemade meals taste better than their mass-produced counterparts.Still, there are some tricks...
Crazy, Sexy, Raw Desserts: Sweet and Spicy Recipes
Sugar, a.k.a. the legal drug, is another common inflammatory disco that can make us fat, sick, and unhappy (yup, it messes with your brain). You’ve read the articles and you know how you feel when you dope up on too much of the stuff. Isn’t it one of life’s cruel ironies that something so addictive is also the thing we’re...
3 Crazy, Sexy, Raw Recipes for Dinnertime
In addition to choosing whole foods, I love encouraging people to up their intake of raw foods. Many raw dishes are wonderful alkaline boosters.That doesn't mean you need to eat them exclusively. It just means that we could benefit from including more of them in our daily diet. Why? There are several reasons. Raw foods contain more water-soluble vitamins and...
Nutritious, Delicious, and Totally Raw Salad Recipes
Nature’s best calcium sources are dark, leafy greens such as kale, collards, mustard greens, and turnip greens. The calcium in these foods is absorbed at double the rate of dairy calcium. About 30 percent of dairy calcium is absorbed whereas about 60 percent of calcium from dark leafy greens is absorbed (not including spinach and a few other greens which...
3 Raw Morning Smoothies and Juices
*Green juice = the instant medicine (that takes little energy to digest) *Green smoothie = fiber-licious broom (that cleans out your system)I can't say enough about alkaline liquid love, especially when you keep the fruit content to a minimum. In fact, drinking your produce will literally change your life. Green juices and smoothies are the most important part of my...
6 Foods to Avoid While Pregnant
With pregnancy comes a lot of information and questions, not just about the growth of the baby but also about what you need to do to take care of yourself and the growing fetus.Diet is one of the first things that should be addressed when a woman finds out she’s pregnant. Pregnant women are often raising questions about which nutrients...
Eat Local to Nourish Yourself and the Environment
Fifty years ago, it was a rare treat to see foods like kiwis, coconuts, or mangos in the grocery store. Foods were grown and eaten more seasonally and locally then. However, with the global economy of today, many people can purchase any food they like, at any time of the year, and in most any part of the world. While...
The Health-Conscious Cookbook: Salads That Pack Flavor and Nutrition
Warmer weather makes you want to turn off your stovetop and prepare produce-packed meals, instead. Not only are salads a healthy lunch or dinner option, they’re also fast and easy to make. Step out of your salad routine and try one of these three creative recipes, featuring colorful veggies, flavorful herbs, vitamin-packed fruits, filling proteins, and delicious, homemade dressings. Tip:...
Chia Seeds: Miracle Food or Just Another Fad?
You might be most familiar with chia seeds from their early incarnation as novelty “Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia” Pets in the 1970s and 80s, where sprouted chia seeds became the green “fur” on clay animals.Although the Chia Pet fad faded away, chia seeds have found the limelight again as a new superfood. So what are chia seeds and just how “super” are they...
Why Healthy Fats Won’t Make You Fat
Many people still believe that eating fat makes you fat. As it turns out, the idea that low-fat diets are healthy was a myth, and the low-fat craze of the 1990s did a huge disservice to our bodies and our brains.Healthy fats and oils play a critical role in the function of many parts of the body. For example your...
How to Spring Clean and Revamp Your Fridge and Pantry for Optimal Health
Spring cleaning isn’t just for your closets. This is your chance to get rid of excess baggage in your kitchen, too. With a fridge and pantry full of nutritious, whole foods you’ll be able to make healthier meal choices and create the foundation for optimal health. Bonus: You’ll feel lighter, too.The first step to cleaning your fridge and pantry is...
Tofu & Potato Italiano
This hearty and flavorful vegetarian meal is full of vitamins and makes for a healthy breakfast, lunch, or dinner!Ingredients 8 ounces cubed, marinated firm tofu 1 cup cubed red, Yukon, or russet potatoes, skin on ½ teaspoon ghee or olive oil ¾ cup leek or onions, chopped ¼ teaspoon black pepper 1 pinch red chili flakes 1 tablespoon Italian herbs...
Chakra Check-In: Poses and Affirmations to Reassess Your Life
It’s halfway through the year (already!), and it’s a good time for a personal check-in: Are you on a path of happiness? Are you following your bliss? Are you taking time to attend to your body, mind, heart, and spirit? Using the chakras as a framework for reflection allows for a holistic assessment. In yoga philosophy, the Chakras are wheels...
5 Minutes of Yoga: A Quick Sequence to Do When You’re Short on Time
It would sure be lovely if you had two hours a day to practice yoga, but in this fast-paced world, you’re lucky if you can snag a minute in Downward-Facing Dog on some days. Author Gretchen Rubin says “What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while,” so in that spirit, here is a...
Need a Vacation from Your Vacation? 3 Tips to Help You Recharge While on Holiday
It's summertime—the season of sunshine, fresh air, and getaways. You may be traveling, taking some time off work, or wanting to make the most of the longer days and the long weekends that accompany the season. Sometimes, instead of feeling replenished after a few days, a few weeks, or a full summer, you can feel depleted.“No man needs a vacation...
6 Tips to Take Your Spiritual Practice Outside
Do you have a spiritual practice? What does it look like? Are there rituals and traditions? Is it a solo endeavor or a group practice? Whether your sadhana, a spiritual exercise that allows you to feel closer to your highest self, looks like Sundays at mass, candlelight yoga, daily prayer, or writing letters of gratitude, moving your routines outside can...
Mindful Confrontation: 9 Steps to Handle Conflict in a Healthy Way
Confrontations can be overwhelming, disappointing, unpleasant, and sometimes terrifying. Confrontations can also often come with a negative connotation, implying some sort of unfair treatment to another human being or maybe even feel like a type of bullying. However, confrontation is a healthy avenue for you to stand up for yourself and your beliefs—to be heard and not silenced by inaction...
10 Ways to Align with Your Purpose or Dharma
What would happen if you stopped trying to “find your purpose” and instead started vulnerably showing up as you are, ready to be of service?The spiritual Law of Dharma states that for every special talent, the world has a unique need that can only be filled by the expression of that talent. You can make the fullest use of the...
3 Common Holiday Stressors—and How to Cope
Holidays are a time for coming together with loved ones to celebrate seasonal festivities. And yet, the holidays can be one of the most stressful times of year for many people. Pressure to spend money, time, and energy on things that society deems important can leave you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and fearful of what may happen if you don’t keep...
10 Creative and Cheaper Ways to Spice Up Holiday Gifting
Focus on giving the gift of yourself with these creative holiday gift ideas. These creative gifts for Christmas, Hanukkah, or any other gifting occasion prove your heart expands more easily than your wallet.
Unveiling Reality: The Mystery of “Who Am I?”
At a public lecture, a psychology professor was reported to say, “Until you are 50, you won’t know who you are.” This seems overly optimistic, because much more than maturity is involved in discovering who you are; in fact, much more than psychology is involved. To answer “Who am I?” requires you to take a stand about reality itself, in...
No Regrets: 10 Ways to Start Each Day with a Clean Slate
“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss”—Jonathan LarsonThere’s a Buddhist parable called The Second Arrow. The story explains that in life, pain is inevitable. You will experience the pain of loss, betrayal, diagnosis, or grief. The pain is likened to being shot by an arrow and is outside of your personal control. However, when you get stuck pulling on...
5 Principles to Overcome Burnout
You wake up almost as tired as when you fell asleep, four hours ago. After hitting the snooze button twice, you stumble to the kitchen and chug a quart of coffee. It doesn’t help. Your face in the mirror looks like the child you might have had with Voldemort. You can barely squeeze into your last-resort “fat pants.” Getting your...