Seduction of Spirit

Break on Through: A Meditation for Overcoming Obstacles
Let’s face it, obstacles are a part of life and none of us have the playbook on how to overcome them. As ideal as it may sound, dodging obstacles isn’t possible; although you can learn how to work with the energy that creates them and overcome the notion that you are somehow at their mercy. Let’s first identify what obstacles...
10 Things You Can Learn from Your Poop
Hardly a day goes by without a research study or article being published about the gut microbiome. When it comes to cutting-edge innovations in medicine, all signs point to the microbiome. As Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.”The central location of your microbiome is your gut, which contains trillions microbes. If you want to optimize your health, bio...
3 Lifestyle Hacks to Dampen Inflammation
Inflammation is a natural and needed process in the body; it is part of an effective immune system response. The body uses beneficial acute inflammatory reactions to direct blood flow, immune cells, and nutrients to areas in need of healing, such as wounds and infections. But when inflammation gets out of hand or occurs in the wrong place, it can...
8 Yoga Poses to Connect You to the Earth Element
A great way to increase your connection with the earth element is to practice earth yoga poses. Here are eight poses to find a sense of stability & security.
6 Restorative Yoga Poses for Hikers
All hikers know that the trail offers its fair share of rewards—beautiful vistas, serene lakes, and a sense of accomplishment. But hiking also has its challenges—uneven rocky terrain, altitude, and possibly a nagging sense of uncertainty. Adding a yoga practice before, after, or during your hiking adventure can be beneficial to both your mental and physical health, allowing you to...
5 Beginner Yoga Poses for Seniors
Find 5 simple yoga poses for elderly beginners that can help you improve your balance, relieve joint pain, and restore strength and flexibility as you age.
The Science of Cultivating Connection
The neuroscience behind human connection has broad implications for how we live our daily lives. Whether you're an introvert (fills their cup through time alone), an extrovert (needs high levels of social time with others), or even ambivert (a person whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features), science is proving that in order to feel happy and...
5 Party Games to Encourage Connection
It’s the holiday season—time for parties and play! Whether you’re feeling joyous or lonely, connection is what we all long for. In the book The Gifts of Imperfection, author Brené Brown reminds us, “A deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need of all women, men, and children.”As we put down our smart phones long enough to notice...
Life Expectations: Are You Where You Thought You Would Be?
What you expect from life is crucially important, but how is this measured? A leading measure of how well a society is doing touches upon expectations. Well-being is correlated with how many people report that they are thriving, and you'd expect that in prosperous developed countries, a healthy percentage of people think they are thriving. However, very few societies can...