Mind-Body Health

Four Tips for a Healthy Start to Your Day

Four Tips for a Healthy Start to Your Day
For many of us, it’s easy for each day to fly by in a blur of work and family responsibilities.

A morning routine can be incredibly beneficial in helping us to find a little peace, promote our health and well-being, and establish a good foundation for the rest of the day.

Over time, my family and I have established daily practices and rituals that work well for us, allowing us to begin our days feeling both energized and peaceful, as well as feeling prepared and ready for the day ahead!

Here are a few tips to support your own morning routine for a healthy start to your day.

1. Breakfast

While there are several dimensions of health, one essential aspect is nutrition. My family and I follow a whole food plant based diet, and we have found an abundance of health benefits as a result of this way of life.

One of our practices includes eating a healthy breakfast, and it makes such a difference in starting the day off feeling your best. Our go-to is almost always oatmeal. There are many variations and healthy toppings that can be included to suit one’s individual health needs and preferences.

During warmer months, while oatmeal is still my preference, we like to change it up from time to time with a healthy smoothie to start our day. As we know, there is certainly no shortage of smoothie recipes or variations. Including greens, such as spinach and/or kale, is an excellent addition to smoothie recipes as well.

2. Mindful Movement and Meditation

Making time for ourselves in the morning also nourishes our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Mindful movement and meditation can and will look different for everyone. Some practices that work for me and my family include taking a walk or a run, morning yoga, meditation, and spending a few minutes outside for fresh air.

A quick workout or walk around the block can be a great way to connect with oneself and the outdoor elements. Personally, I find this more challenging during the colder months, but have found that even a few minutes of fresh air is certainly beneficial, and improves my concentration and focus the rest of the day.

3. Quiet Time

I have found that an established ritual of quiet time to write in the mornings is a time that I think clearly, creatively, and also encourages healthy productivity for my days. Without this time, I feel more rushed and not as aligned in mind and body.

4. Progress Not Perfection

I also keep in mind the mantra: progress not perfection. Not all days are the same. Sometimes, we have instances that present obstacles in our rituals and practices, and it’s important to acknowledge this and move forward the next day with our healthy mornings, rather than dwelling on any stressors.

It’s also perfectly okay to adjust our morning routine to meet ourselves where we are with life and work responsibilities or seasonal transitions.

I hope you take some time to explore the morning practices and rituals that work for you, and make time in your day whenever you can to take good care of you!

Nourish yourself with the ultimate well-being experience at the Chopra Health Retreat at CIVANA.