Mind-Body Balance

Relationship with the One
Life is all about relationships. We are in relationships with our friends and family, the people we work with, even those we met casually in the grocery store or sit next to on a flight. We are in a relationship with our environment and the world around us and, on a subtle level, every cell in your body is in...
Finding the Gaps of Silence
I have been listening to different guided meditations for several years and focusing on breathwork. I have always enjoyed it, looked forward to the quiet time to turn off my mind, and recently decided it was time to enhance my practice by enrolling in the Chopra Meditation Enrichment Program. One Full-Time Working Mom's Experience with MeditationWhen I first started really...
Try This: A Reiki Meditation to Balance Earthly & Heavenly Energies
Just as the chakra system maps and encourages the balance of our Root chakra, and Crown chakra energies, Japanese energetic anatomy also depicts the balance of Earthly and Heavenly energies coming together at the heart center for harmony and balance. In Eastern philosophy and Reiki teachings, students are encouraged to cultivate their tandens, or “oceans of energy”. When they are...
3 Prácticas Meditativas Para Ayudar a Afrontar el Cambio
El cambio puede ser estresante, incluso cuando el cambio es positivo y bienvenido. Ya sea que esté atravesando algunas transiciones importantes de la vida, como casarse o jubilarse, o atravesar un cambio más pequeño, puede beneficiarse practicando técnicas de relajación para contrarrestar el inevitable estrés.Por ejemplo, cuando tenía 15 años, mi madre y yo estábamos en medio de dos de...
Only a Silent Mind Can Be a Healing Mind
Originally published by SF Gate. Crises call for action and may even trigger global action that is motivated by alarm, fear, and the dread of uncertainty. But what about the individual person who feels afraid and uncertain? I’d like to propose an answer based on the silent mind. I realize that this approach might sound a bit alien and “spiritual”...
The Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation
Devotees of mindfulness meditation—often described as non-judgemental attention to present moment experiences—will be well-versed in the many benefits of their practice. Benefits include the following: More focused attention Relaxation Positive shifts in mood Enhanced self-awareness Improved health and well-being The Positive Health Benefits of Mindfulness MeditationThe strongest scientific evidence to date that meditation has positive health benefits comes from two...
How to Boost Your Confidence Through Meditation
You’ve had the experience of feeling good—really good—about yourself at least once in your life. Maybe it was something you accomplished after dedicating a lot of resources, like time, energy, and money. Or perhaps it was just a moment in time where you shined brighter ever before. Whatever that moment was, you will always remember the feeling you had, and...
A Meditation Guide to Activate The Law Of Attraction & Love
Learn about how the Law Of Attraction and how it relates to your unconscious mind and meditation. Learn how to attract the positive emotions from Chopra.
7 Ways to Lift Yourself Out of Heavy Thoughts
Everyone can occasionally find themselves prey to heavy thoughts, which is a natural response to emotional sadness and anxiety. Forcing yourself to be positive under every circumstance is a constant strain and undesirable as a realistic view of life. If heavy thoughts keep returning, however, and begin to attach themselves, you need to know how to lift yourself out of...
6 Modern-Day Meditation Leaders You Can Learn From
Whether you are new to the practice of meditation or already have made it a daily habit, here are six meditation gurus who you can learn and grow from.
What Is Primordial Sound Meditation?
Primordial Sound Meditation is a healing practice that allows us to experience inner calm and deep relaxation. Learn more about primordial sounds for meditation with Chopra.
The Art of Grounding
From time to time we have the opportunity to speak publicly about something that is meaningful in our lives. In these moments, if we can find ways to ground ourselves and connect with our true self, we may be able to say what we really want to say in the way we really want to say it.I recently had an...
Self-Care Guide: Your Doshas and Your World
Because you are unique, adapting to the world is different for you than for someone else. One environment is beneficial to some people but not to others. If you want to practice self-care, this is a critical aspect. Ayurveda has been a self-care system for thousands of years, and understanding how your doshas work remains one of the best ways...
15 Ayurvedic Travel Hacks for Balanced Vacationing
Traveling endows us with the clear, light, mobile qualities of Vata, and can provide insights and open our eyes to a perspective we may have been missing. Vacations inspire us with new beauties of the world, cultures, and nature, and remove us from the redundance of our day-to-day energy bubble and life routine.Whether you are embarking on a romantic getaway,...
8 Ways to Nourish Mind, Body, and Spirit During Seasonal Transitions
As we move from the cold blue winter into the warm and sunny summer, it is the time to transform with nature. The spring equinox marks the start of the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere while it is the start of the autumn season in the Southern Hemisphere. Spring: The Kapha Season Spring is a time of transformation. Elements...
10 Rules for an Ayurvedic Diet
The Ayurvedic diet has a set of simple rules to ensure you make the most of your daily meals. Learn how your meals can be your best medicine from Chopra.
El Sueño, la Droga Milagrosa que Restablece tu Cuerpo y tu Mente
El siguiente es un extracto del libro de Suhas G. Kshirsagar BAMS, MD-Cambie su Horario, Cambie su Vida.En los laboratorios del sueño de todo el mundo, los investigadores estudian la respuesta del cuerpo al descanso. Observan la correlación entre el sueño y el estado de ánimo, el control de peso y la función cognitiva. Los grupos de personas pueden compartir...
A Holistic Psychiatrist’s Tips for Reducing Burnout and Enhancing Resiliency
How to heal and transform your career into something you can love and successfully manage without losing balance.
Balancing Strength and Softness: Tapping Into Your Warrior Spirit
How to balance your energy to move through life in a more centered state.  
How to Take Care of Your Mental Well-Being During Long Summer Days
In the summer, it is important to balance the fiery pitta energy with ways to cool off, calm down, and restore. If we do not purposefully schedule downtime in summer, tempers can flare, irritability can get the best of us, and we can burn out more easily.This is the season when children are home from school, and we feel the...
How to Prioritize Your Well-being at Work
When we’re trying to cultivate holistic well-being, we must consider what impact our work and workplaces are having on our lives. It’s no secret that a vast majority of our days are spent in work environments. Whether you work from home or commute to another location, you will likely see a pattern that shows space at the very beginning and...
La Máxima Prioridad Para Tener un Cuerpo Sano
Aquí hay un cuestionario con una sola pregunta: ¿Para tener un cuerpo sano, que es más deseable, estar en forma físicamente o estar libre de depresión? La respuesta correcta es estar libre de depresión. La depresión está relacionada con la falta de sueño, la fatiga, la disminución de la inmunidad, la susceptibilidad a las infecciones, los ataques cardíacos prematuros y...
Laughter for the Lymph: How Laughing Benefits the Lymphatic System
They say laughter is the best medicine and while that is certainly true for our mental health — laughing releases endorphins, which can boost the mood! — it’s also wildly true for our physical health. Laughing requires more oxygen intake so, in a way, it’s like its own form of breathwork. It can also even help temporarily relieve pain. But,...
Holistic Approaches to Immune Support
Have you ever noticed you’re more likely to catch a cold if you’ve recently been stressed, slept poorly, or been emotionally upset? That last one is particularly interesting evidence of the mind-body connection! Most humans are much more likely to succumb to an infection or a flare of an auto-immune condition or fibromyalgia if they have recently experienced emotional distress....
The Top Priority for Having a Healthy Body
Here’s a quiz with only one question: To have a healthy body, which is more desirable, being in shape physically or being free of depression? The correct answer is being free of depression. Depression is linked to poor sleep, fatigue, lowered immunity, susceptibility to infections, premature heart attacks, and more. But most people are in the habit of approaching their...
Accessing Steadiness and Ease Amid Fluctuation
I grew up in New York and one of the things I distinctly remember is the smell of autumn, my favorite time of year. I remember the crunching of the leaves under my feet as the trees shed their layers and the cool air in the mornings indicating the seasons were indeed changing.It’s always been something I look forward to...
Ground Yourself with this Guide to Pranayama
In just ten short minutes, we can spread peacefulness and calm in ourselves through our breath.
7 Essential Habits for Peace
We all want to contribute to global peace, but it can feel disheartening when we see discord in the news, in politics, and even in our own relationships. But you can take a different perspective by setting the more accessible goal of creating peace within yourself – which then expands like a ripple to your relationships, your community, and ultimately...
Resilience: How to Protect and Prepare Your Spirit
It’s already been a stressful year, and it’s not over yet. That’s why it’s important to be resilient. Learn how to overcome chronic stress and be resilient.
How To Maintain Spiritual Balance and Equanimity
It’s difficult to maintain your spiritual equanimity during these trying times. Chopra has several methods to better balance yourself spiritually no matter what gets throw your way. Read more online today.
How You Can Play a Role in Preventing Suicide
Suicide is a tragedy. Friends and family may not even be aware their loved one was in pain. Consider these ways to help relieve the stigma of depression and ensure your loved ones find support.The suicide of two of my cousins influenced my decision to become a psychotherapist. Looking back, there were no signs that an Ivy League-educated cousin and...
My Daily Self-Care Routine by Devi Brown, Chopra Global's Chief Impact Officer
Hey there! Devi Brown here. I am Chopra Global’s Chief Impact Officer and for those enjoying the new Chopra app, mine is the voice that shares space with you each day in meditation. Having a daily practice has radically transformed my life, and I am so excited to share some of it with you here now. When we think about...
How to Create a Splendid Staycation During a Pandemic
A staycation might not sound so enticing during the time of a pandemic. Staying at home certainly means something much different than it did just six months ago. Where you previously may have craved some downtime to relax on the couch for a long weekend, now, depending on your unique circumstances, that may feel like just another day. Or perhaps...
The New Chopra App is Here
Relieve stress. Restore balance. Become the best you. Meet the new Chopra app—your guide to total well-being.For more than 25 years, Chopra has been helping millions of people balance their bodies, revive their minds, and activate their spirits. Now, we're making this knowledge available to you 24/7, in the palm of your hand.What’s InsideInside, you'll find a comprehensive well-being library,...
Tu Cerebro en la Naturaleza: Encontrar la Armonía cuando los "Momentos Humanos" son Escasos
No es sólo un mito. Estar afuera es realmente bueno para ti. Por eso, pasar tiempo en la naturaleza puede aumentar tu bienestar.Si hay algo seguro, es que la naturaleza es buena para nosotros. No sólo sirve como un elixir calmante para el cuerpo, sino que también ofrece poderosos efectos terapéuticos en el cerebro. Es imprescindible para la salud física...
Your Brain on Nature: Finding Harmony When 'Human Moments' Are Sparse
It’s not just a myth. Being outside is really good for you. Here’s why spending time in nature can boost your well-being.If there’s one thing for sure, it’s that nature is good for us. It not only serves as a calming elixir to the body, but it also offers powerful therapeutic effects on the brain. It’s a must-have for physical...
How Meditation Renews Your Body and Brain
If you are looking to renew your vitality, reset your focus, and recharge your body, meditation is the tried and true path that will lead you to the fulfillment of these goals. Here’s how meditation renews your body and brain.
Cómo la Meditación Renueva tu Cuerpo y tu Cerebro
Si buscas renovar tu vitalidad, reajustar tu enfoque y recargar tu cuerpo, la meditación es el camino probado y verdadero que te llevará al cumplimiento de estos objetivos. Aquí está cómo.Para la gran mayoría de la gente, el año 2020 ha estado lleno de desafíos inesperados. Preocupaciones de salud inducidas por una pandemia, turbulencias en las carreras, pérdida de rutinas...
Keeping Your Chakras Balanced During COVID-19
Quarantined. Working. Out of work. Feeling ill. Recovering. Home with kids. Home alone. Home with loved ones. Not at home. There are so many situations you are in during the days of the COVID-19 crisis. The general air of uncertainty, fear, and grief manifests in many ways. You may feel creative bursts and like jumping into action. Or you may...
A Soak and Massage Ritual to Calm the Mind, Body, and Spirit
As a natural beauty and wellness expert working mostly with clients in New York City, I knew before the coronavirus (COVID-19) hit that my clients were already living with a high level of stress. Now, in the midst of this new experience, with confusion and uncertainty all around us, we are collectively experiencing a new and unprecedented level of stress.While...
Grounding the Human Body: The Healing Benefits of Earthing
Learn how grounding yourself to the Earth's electrical energy can have substantial healing benefits from the experts at Chopra.
Asana Flow Inspired by Water to Bring On Transformation
We live in a world that is largely created using straight lines, boxes, and sharp angles. We see it in the steel frame of a new building being built, in the grid structure of big city streets, even on our highways, outlined in colors and dashed lines. It’s no wonder we crave routine in our daily lives, the world we...
More Than a Stretch: 6 Profound Effects Asanas Have on Your Body and Mind
The study of asana is not about mastering posture. It’s about using posture to understand yourself.- B.K.S. IyengarThe third branch of Raja Yoga, or the Royal Path to Union, is Asana—the classical postures of Hatha Yoga. The word asana means “seat” or “position.” Asana is easily the most popular and well-known aspect of yoga practice, despite it being only 1/8...
10 Yoga Myths Dispelled
Yoga is popular these days. Very popular. According to a recent Yoga Journal survey, over 20 million Americans practice yoga on a regular basis, up from 15.8 million in 2004. Yoga practice has clearly found its stride and is attracting more followers every day. Yet, while many people are reaping the benefits of yoga, there are countless others who are...
Honoring the Layers of Life in Your Yoga Practice
Over the last several decades the practice of Yoga has become a global phenomenon. Yoga classes, books, videos, and online resources have made this timeless practice available to students like never before. Many students though, view yoga simply as a system of physical fitness, largely focused on the bodily attributes of strength, balance, and flexibility that are cultivated through specific...
6 Yoga Poses You Should Do After Every Run
Running burns calories, builds cardiovascular strength, muscular strength in your lower body, and can even be a moving meditation. However, running by itself can lead to tightness in the hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps, and feet.Balance your running routine with some yoga poses that work on increasing flexibility in these overworked areas. Whenever you practice yoga, make sure you take your...
7 Things to Do When Work Doesn’t Work
Now in its third year, COVID has launched us into a new era of work. While some people are going back to their jobs in their pre-COVID offices, others face a different reality: they have permanently adjusted to working from home, pivoted to a new position during the Great Resignation, or taken up entrepreneurship.Regardless of the circumstances that may have...
Transforming Balance into Harmony
Finding balance often equates to holding two things next to each other and trying to bring them into an equilibrium of sorts. When we try to conjure up a visual representation of what balance means, likely the first thing to come to mind is a scale or some variation of linear representation with two opposing sides. The balance, of course,...
Entrando en tu Propósito - Más Allá del Hacer
Los buscadores espirituales muchas veces están intrigados sobre por qué sus almas eligen encarnar en la tierra en este momento. Pueden buscar sus habilidades y talentos únicos que están aquí para compartir. Todos nosotros podemos vivir en nuestro propósito por cómo elegimos simplemente ser. Su propósito es mucho más que lo que hacen y crean. Aquí hay siete maneras en...
Stepping Into Your Purpose — Beyond the Doing
Spiritual seekers are often intrigued about why their soul chooses to incarnate on Earth at this time. Our purpose is much more than what we do and create. Here are seven ways in which we can step into our purpose beyond what we “do.”
10 Tips for Living Your Best Life
Browse Chopra for tips on how to lead your best life, with more intentionality and empathy. These 10 tips will help you discover your purpose to better your life.
How to Shift Your Mindset to Thrive During Challenging Times
There is no denying that we’re in the midst of an incredibly challenging moment in time. This pandemic has thrown us all out of our comfort zones, changed our routines, and created waves of fear, grief, anger, uncertainty, and other powerful emotions in the global collective. The lack of control we’re all experiencing has many people feeling victimized by these...
The Virus Can Give Your Life More Meaning
Originally published by SF Gate. One way to respond in a crisis is to reduce its threat. The other way is to add to the threat. The coronavirus COVID-19 might be the first collective crisis that many people have faced, and it poses an uncertain future in every country that confronts it. But this doesn’t change the two choices just...
Vision Board 101: How To Make A Vision Board Manifestation Tool
Creating a vision board is a fun and tangible way to focus yourself on your goals. Learn how to make a vision board with these resources from Chopra!
9 Tips to Release Control and Trust the Universe
Creating a life that is always organized and planned can leave you stressed and depressed. Learn how meditation, love, and awareness can help you trust life and be free.
8 Traits of a Spiritual Warrior to Help you Combat Avidya
Fight Avidya, or ignorance, as a spiritual warrior with this list of 8 qualities you can embody in your life. Combat ignorance to see the true nature of the world.
How to Balance Your Female and Male Energy
All people, regardless of their gender identity have male and female energy inside them. Follow these 10 tips to keep the scales of your masculine and feminine energy in harmony.
How to Develop a Mindful Eating Practice
“The core principles of mindful eating include being aware of the nourishment available through the process of food preparation and consumption, choosing enjoyable and nutritious foods, acknowledging food preferences nonjudgmentally, recognizing and honoring physical hunger and satiety cues, and using wisdom to guide eating decisions.” –Cheryl Harris, MPH, RDKeeping up with a modern, fast-paced lifestyle can leave little time for...
Transition Plan: 10 Steps to Creating a Major Life Change
Many people yearn for personal transformation without knowing how to jump-start such a major change in their lives. They generally waste energy on false starts or take a few steps in the right direction, only to find that old habits and conditioning pull them back to where they began, or very close to that.What it takes to create a major...