Settling Your Mind

7 Pasos Para Establecer Una Práctica de Meditación Diaria
Hay pocas razones para negarse a uno mismo la poderosa actividad de la meditación. La investigación ha encontrado que la práctica puede proporcionar una amplia gama de beneficios para la salud al prevenir el deterioro de la estructura cerebral relacionado con la edad, aumentar la capacidad de memoria y regular tu estado de ánimo para ralentizar el proceso de envejecimiento,...
8 Steps to Establish a Daily Meditation Practice
There are few reasons to skip the powerful activity of meditation. After all, research has found that the practice can provide a wide array of health benefits from preventing age-related brain structure deterioration, increasing memory capacity, and regulating your mood to slowing the aging process, reducing chronic inflammation, and increasing immunity.Yet, knowing that something is good for you doesn’t always...
Feel and Believe What You’re Saying Is True With These Affirmations
Affirmations are incredibly useful and beneficial tools that enhance the quality of your life, but it’s important to lay a foundation for how to integrate them effectively.
The New Social Media Detox: Unfollowing, Muting, & Showing Up
Social media platforms are not inherently bad, but how you decide to use them determines whether they are toxic or revitalizing. Here are tips to help you adjust your social media preferences so that they become what you need.
Impermanence—Life's Great Wake-Up Call
At present, the outer universe—earth, stones, mountains, rocks, and cliffs—seems to the perception of our senses to be permanent and stable, like the house built of reinforced concrete, which we think will last for generations. In fact, there is nothing solid to it at all, it is nothing but a city of dreams.– Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Vajrayana master and scholarWe...
The “Soul” Purpose of Your So-Called Weaknesses
A holistic way of dealing with strengths and weaknesses that contribute to your soul's purpose.
El Propósito del "Alma" de tus Llamadas Debilidades
Sus rasgos más sorprendentes están a menudo envueltos en los más desafiantes. Los dos están conectados como los extremos opuestos de una cadena. Tanto tus fortalezas como tus debilidades existen por una razón.Una de las cosas que comúnmente veo en mi práctica es una perspectiva holística general más débil cuando la gente piensa en sí misma. La gente suele acudir...
Tu Cerebro en la Naturaleza: Encontrar la Armonía cuando los "Momentos Humanos" son Escasos
No es sólo un mito. Estar afuera es realmente bueno para ti. Por eso, pasar tiempo en la naturaleza puede aumentar tu bienestar.Si hay algo seguro, es que la naturaleza es buena para nosotros. No sólo sirve como un elixir calmante para el cuerpo, sino que también ofrece poderosos efectos terapéuticos en el cerebro. Es imprescindible para la salud física...
Your Brain on Nature: Finding Harmony When 'Human Moments' Are Sparse
It’s not just a myth. Being outside is really good for you. Here’s why spending time in nature can boost your well-being.If there’s one thing for sure, it’s that nature is good for us. It not only serves as a calming elixir to the body, but it also offers powerful therapeutic effects on the brain. It’s a must-have for physical...
Settling Your Mind in the Crisis
The current pandemic of the COVID virus has brought in its wake a different pandemic of anxiety and uncertainty.How do people usually adapt to anxiety besides taking tranquilizers? Psychologically the two most common ways are denial and distraction. Neither is helpful. By ignoring your anxiety or doing something that takes your mind off it, you might find temporary relief. But...
Entrando en tu Propósito - Más Allá del Hacer
Los buscadores espirituales muchas veces están intrigados sobre por qué sus almas eligen encarnar en la tierra en este momento. Pueden buscar sus habilidades y talentos únicos que están aquí para compartir. Todos nosotros podemos vivir en nuestro propósito por cómo elegimos simplemente ser. Su propósito es mucho más que lo que hacen y crean. Aquí hay siete maneras en...
Stepping Into Your Purpose — Beyond the Doing
Spiritual seekers are often intrigued about why their soul chooses to incarnate on Earth at this time. Our purpose is much more than what we do and create. Here are seven ways in which we can step into our purpose beyond what we “do.”
9 Tips to Release Control and Trust the Universe
Creating a life that is always organized and planned can leave you stressed and depressed. Learn how meditation, love, and awareness can help you trust life and be free.
Metahuman: The Best Solution to Personal Problems
Anytime that I’ve written or spoken about consciousness, someone is bound to ask, “But what should I do?” This is only natural. When faced with a challenge, problem, obstacle, or even a desired goal, people automatically want to do something. They feel helpless if they don’t.A Cloud of CausesThis reaction may be so ingrained in you that you may miss...