Workplace Well-Being

5 Easy Meditation Techniques to Practice at Work
The workplace can be a source of anxiety, stress, and burnout. While there is no way to totally eliminate stress from the workplace, more businesses are recognizing the importance of holistic, evidence-based practices to improve the health and wellness of employees. This is due in part to research showing the many benefits of lower-stress employees, including improved work performance. Companies...
Corporate Meditation: How and Why Big Businesses Are Promoting Meditation
Big businesses are smart. They’ve read the studies. They understand that time spent meditating means balanced workers who get things done. And they get that putting the mental health of their workers first increases both creativity and focus.The Benefits of Mindfulness in the WorkplaceThere are loads of benefits of mindfulness backed by scientific research. You can read about the neuroscience...
5 Ways Meditation Can Benefit Businesses
In order to remain competitive in today’s market, successful companies need: To possess a clear vision of their goals Inspiration to be innovative in their approach to supplying products and services Leadership to guide individuals towards success Teamwork to enable employees to keep up in today’s global marketplace The practice of meditation helps to make all of this possible. The...
How to Squeeze Meditation into Your Busy Schedule
You want to start a meditation practice … but … You have to be at the office early Your kids need to get to day-care You need to make breakfast—and dinner You are always running late You like to work out in the morning These excuses are all valid because you have a busy life. You probably have a suitcase...
Three Small Shifts to Feel Good All Day Long
True health and wellbeing is a lifestyle that does not happen overnight. It is a series of gradual, subtle shifts. A gentle unfolding of a more balanced existence. One could certainly spend hundreds of hours reading, attending seminars, practicing, falling off the wagon, getting back on said wagon, and continually striving to get it “right.” While walking the path toward...
Satisfaction at Work: Cultivating Sattva
Create practices at work and at home to balance the gunas and tap into more contentment and joy in your life.
Why Companies Are Considering Shorter Workweeks to Support Mental Health
For people with full-time jobs, working four days a week rather than five days could have lasting positive effects for individuals and for society as a whole. Bold companies in the United States and abroad who want to offer their employees better opportunities for work-life balance are testing the 32-hour workweek and finding positive results. Here are some benefits to...
How to Prioritize Your Well-being at Work
When we’re trying to cultivate holistic well-being, we must consider what impact our work and workplaces are having on our lives. It’s no secret that a vast majority of our days are spent in work environments. Whether you work from home or commute to another location, you will likely see a pattern that shows space at the very beginning and...
Six Steps to Nurturing a Healthy Mind at Work
Given that most working Americans spend over forty hours in the office each week, it comes as no surprise that prioritizing physical and mental well-being on the job has the potential to significantly increase happiness, engagement, and satisfaction. Caring for your mental health at work is one of the most important things that you can do to enhance your overall...
Don’t Wait for the Weekend: Five Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health at Work Today
Oftentimes we search for meaningful work that fulfills us, or we strive for work-life balance trying to avoid burnout. These are admirable pursuits, however on their own they aren’t enough to support our mental health; it’s important to take care of our whole self during the workday not only afterhours.Brilliant thought leaders and spiritual teachers often share practices they use...
10 Ways to De-stress Your Mind and Body
There’s good stress … and then there’s bad stress. Do you know the difference? And how are you dealing yours? It’s important to be aware of what stresses you out, so you can build a relationship with your biggest stressors and manage the way you react to them.Some stress is healthy … it kicks in to protect you in times...
The Inspired Workplace
It is no secret that in today’s modern workplace, we are faced daily with an ever-growing number of responsibilities, challenges, and fires that must be put out with urgency. Our boundaries are constantly pushed, our limits continually defied. We face demands from our colleagues, our leaders, and ourselves. Every moment is an opportunity for greatness, for rising to the occasion—or...
Eating for the Environment: The 3 R’s
You can hardly watch the news without being reminded of global warming. Research provided by NASA has found that the atmospheric temperature has risen at an unprecedented rate since 1950; this increase is extremely likely to have been caused by human activities.How? Carbon, the most basic building block of human life, traps heat. Pollution created on Earth through biological emissions,...
7 Prácticas Fáciles Para Refrescarte y Reiniciarte en el Trabajo
De todos los entornos que exploramos semanalmente, quizás nos presentemos en nuestros espacios de trabajo con mayor frecuencia. Esa podría ser una oficina en el hogar, ya que el cambio a espacios de trabajo virtuales ha sido abundante en los últimos años, o podría estar volviendo a una oficina o un entorno en persona. Cualquiera que sea el aspecto de...
7 Quick Practices to Refresh and Reset at Work
Out of all the environments we explore on a weekly basis, we show up to our workspaces perhaps most frequently. That might be a home office as the shift to virtual workspaces has been abundant in the past few years, or you might be transitioning back to an office or in-person setting. Whatever your workspace looks like, often when you...
7 Energizing Chair Yoga Poses to Beat the Mid-day Slump
It’s 3:30 in the afternoon, you’ve had a busy day, and your energy reserves are running low. The mid-afternoon slump ambushes you and suddenly you’re in a battle with your eyelids to stay awake. Does this sound familiar? If so, what can you do to recharge your batteries to make it through the remainder of the day?Chair yoga to the...
Use This Mindset to Experience More Fulfillment at Work
Early on, many of us are rewarded and learn to feel like we’ve done a good job based on reaching the goals that others tell us to achieve, receiving positive feedback, and moving on to the next goalpost. As adults, this definition of success isn’t working well for us. It can lead to perfectionism, burnout, and the feeling of constantly...
5 Ways to Cultivate Peace at Your Desk
You are a modern day Superhero of epic proportion. Your talents are far-reaching and your noble duties are not for the faint of heart. You are able to engage in four back-to-back Zoom meetings; fulfill three critical deadlines; write and respond to upwards of a hundred emails; and perhaps mindfully embrace a difficult conversation or two … all before 5pm....
Shifting from Work-Life to Life-Work Balance
Work-life balance—a phrase that we hear used all the time. It’s something that almost everyone I speak to seems to be struggling with. However, if we’re honest about this, we aren’t struggling with work-life balance because, for many people, the balance is nonexistent. We’re actually struggling with getting life back into the phrase.But what if you reversed the order and...
Give Yourself—and Your Employees—Permission to Be Well
Being well may not be fully under your control, but you can push yourself—and others—in the right direction. The secret? Granting permission.
5 Ways to Show Gratitude in Your Workplace
Have you ever received a thank-you gift from a colleague or client? Been recognized or awarded for your hard work? Received a shout out for your contributions or input? Then you know how meaningful it can be to be appreciated and seen. Even a heartfelt “thanks!” can leave you glowing. No matter where you work, a little thanks and acknowledgment...
5 Key Factors to Finding Job Satisfaction
Finding satisfaction in your job is important. It will help improve your outlook on life. Learn how to improve job satisfaction with these 5 tips from Chopra.
The Correlation Between Spirituality and Happiness
Prayer, meditation, chanting, contemplation, journaling, reading, and singing. Chances are you have turned to one or more of these practices throughout your life—from saying prayers before bed as a child to practicing yoga in the morning as an adult—as a way of connecting to your higher self. People are born with the desire to understand things that they can’t explain,...
10 Ways to Re-Inspire Creativity in Your Work
We all go through times where our creativity is inhibited. We all face blocks that can lead to avoidance of the work that needs to be done to live out our purpose. The good news is there are universal ways to help you pick yourself up and get creating again.When you feel stuck or your creative ideas are lacking, the...
7 Ways to Make Peace at the Office
The workplace is a special place in certain ways, because the people we interact with are not of our choosing most of the time, and relating to them isn’t the same as relating to family and friends.On the other hand, it’s not so unique that being good at healthy relationships doesn’t help. Keeping peace in the office is achievable by...
Effective Communication: Building Rapport in the Workplace
Building and maintaining rapport in the workplace, or anywhere for that matter, might just be your best tool for cultivating a positive environment, both in and out of the office. Rapport is best defined as being how you relate to or connect with others, especially when it comes to harmonious or sympathetic relation.Every interaction with another being is a relationship...
How to Stay Centered in Workplace Chaos
If you feel like your job or colleagues sap your energy and tranquility, you’re not alone. Even people who have rewarding careers can get drawn into the chaos and drama at work.You have the power of ancient wisdom and ever-evolving consciousness on your side. It is possible to take back control through practicing self-awareness, being true to your healthy practices,...
Corporate Calm: 7 Steps to Sharing Mind-Body Wellness in the Workplace
Over the past few decades, mind-body wellness has had a noticeable impact on the corporate landscape. More and more businesses, both large and small, have been integrating a holistic, consciousness-based approach to wellness and productivity for their employees and business models. The benefits of yoga, meditation, breath work, and other mind-body modalities have been embraced by some of the most...
10 Steps to Dig Yourself Out of a Work Rut
I was always wishing for time to fast forward when I was working in the financial industry. I would wish the minutes and hours would pass quickly so I could go home. I wished away the weeks looking forward to weekends.Wishing for the future ends up obscuring the present. When you’re constantly looking to the future, you may struggle to...
How to Minimize the Overwhelm: Tips for Success with Less Effort
Feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of daily life has become a common complaint, especially for those who are trying to balance marriage, family, and work.The external demands can mount up to the point where you feel that simply getting through the day is the biggest challenge you face. There are strategies for coping better with the overwhelm. These generally divide...
10 Ways to Bring More Compassion to the Workplace
People work better together when there is a collaborative and compassionate atmosphere and the easiest way to foster a community of support is by spreading compassion.
8 Tips to Clear Clutter in Your Environment
Clutter isn’t just a physical hindrance. It can actually cause stress in your relationships, create health challenges, and block your ability to think and act clearly. Clearing clutter in your home and workspace creates more than a peaceful, orderly environment—it will enhance success in all areas of your life.What Is Clutter?Clutter can be viewed as physical items that take up...
11 Tips to Balance Your Vata Brain at the Computer
Almost everyone is on some type of computer each day. Whether it’s a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone, most people engage in the tech world on a regular basis. It’s exciting to have the knowledge of almost everything at our fingertips, but it’s so pervasive that it’s beginning to take over, consuming our time and thoughts. The challenge is...
5 Ways to De-stress From Your Office Chair
Meditation is a simple practice that offers countless benefits. If you’re new to meditation and find yourself spending a lot of time in the office, take a light approach to your practice. Don’t worry about all the images you see in magazines where you have to sit and look a certain way or chant complicated sounds. The benefits of the...
How to Stop Procrastinating
Ugh! I’m so full, I can’t breathe!” says Rose as she finishes her cheeseburger. “And I’ve got to lose weight … I think I’ll have the crème brûlée” Across the table, her oncologist friend, Linda, lights up, handling the stress of treating cancer patients by smoking like a chimney. Meanwhile Barb is complaining about her 27-year-old son, Randy. “If he...
Dear friend,I hope that this email finds you feeling balanced, centered, healthy – and happy. Here at the Chopra Center we are excited about the launch of our Workplace Wellbeing program, founded on the principle of wholeness. As the world’s great wisdom traditions teach, wholeness is our natural state of balance, harmony, and wellbeing. When we’re living in wholeness, we...