
Embracing Resilience Through Tenderness and Care
The world we live in requires, almost demands, a lot of us. Our time and energy, our hearts, minds, and bodies, are all given certain expectations, limitations, and confines to operate within. The demands of the external world can leave us distant and disconnected from the parts of ourselves that are able to choose; to choose how we spend our...
Clean Your Mirror: Looking at Yourself and Accepting Who You See
Here is how you can become the best version of yourself by cleaning your mirror, looking at yourself and accepting who you see.
Making Your New Year Truly New
The arrival of a new year gives everyone a motivation to seek positive changes in their lives, but the impulse is quite often temporary. We all know and regret how New Year's resolutions look a week later. Even so, almost everyone makes a resolution—in America, at least—only to tell pollsters that more than 95% are soon reneged upon.Alcohol still flows,...
Self-Compassion for Resilience and Personal Power
Self-compassion is a powerful way to move you out of mediocrity – or whatever other challenge or rut you may be experiencing. Once you soften towards yourself, it allows you to move forward with a new level of self-esteem.
How to Stay Positive During the Pressures of Young Adulthood
For many of us, our 20s can be an era of utter confusion. Pressure from all angles of life including uncertainty towards our career path, unbalanced relationships, and financial struggles appear to be thrown at us faster than a 90-mph baseball pitch. It’s as though the world is grabbing us by the shoulders and shaking us to say, “wake up,...
Honor Your Process: How to Find Acceptance Where You Are Now
We can’t always control the circumstances of our lives, but we can control how we react to them. The way we respond to what’s going on in our day-to-day can have a considerable impact on how we manage, shift, and move through difficult situations. Meeting your present reality with acceptance is a powerful practice. Acceptance doesn’t mean that you succumb...
Forgiveness as a Spiritual Practice
Enlightened teachers of every faith have exemplified a willingness to let go of anger, resentment, and vengeance toward those who have harmed them. Major world religions extol the practice. Yet, how does one move from the anger of injustice to the peace of forgiveness? What happens to feelings of rage, sadness, disappointment, or anger stemming from an offense?The following steps...
Spiritual Luminaries: Thich Nhat Hanh
People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a...
Endings: A Spiritual Birthplace
The car is driving away. The phone call has been terminated. Your moving van is packed. You are boarding the plane. You are holding your grandmother’s hands and telling her how she has impacted you because you know this is the last time you will be able to look into her eyes. You are rubbing your cat’s chin for the...
Cómo Aceptar Finales y Crear Espacio Para Nuevos Comienzos
Las intenciones son como semillas: desde el momento en que se plantan, el potencial de crecimiento está plenamente presente. Pero, al igual que las semillas, se necesita algo más para que ese potencial no se vuelva latente. Tiene que haber suelo: suelo que sea fértil y hospitalario para el crecimiento.Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en enero de 2022.This...
How to Accept Endings and Create Space for New Beginnings
Intentions are like seeds: from the moment they are planted, the potential for growth is fully present. But, also like seeds, something else is needed lest that potential becomes dormant. There needs to be soil: Soil that’s fertile and hospitable to growth.Acceptance is the soil in which we plant our new intentions. As we all have stood witness to, new...
How to Strengthen Your Self-Trust and Become More Resilient
Sometimes self-trust can be confused with thinking you need to have all the right answers or that you will always make the best decisions. However, self-trust is the solid reliance on your own integrity. It’s believing in and being kind to yourself regardless of outcomes.This isn’t always easy. If you feel challenged to trust yourself, know you’re not alone. It’s...
Limpia tu Espejo: Mirarse a sí Mismo y Aceptar a Quien Se Ve
Es hora de hacer añicos las ideas de autocrítica y empezar a aceptar, respetar y celebrar a quien se ve hoy en el espejo. Así es como puedes convertirte en la mejor versión de ti mismo.¿Eres rápido en pasar por alto las grandes cosas que has logrado a lo largo de tu vida? Cuando compartes tus historias con amigos y...
Forgiveness (Kshama) vs Acceptance (Sweekar): 7 Tools for Emotional Freedom
The human mind is a labyrinth of emotions. You may often ponder about your past experiences and, by doing so, create a mindset that reacts to future events accordingly. The mind is a river of thoughts, which is flowing constantly. Your thoughts decide the state of your mental and emotional health.Ayurveda and Yoga have given paramount importance to your ability...