
How to Create a New Year’s Intention Candle
In many ways, New Year’s resolutions are ritualistic. They invite us to get grounded and go inward to ask ourselves what it is we want to call into our lives, plus what healthy habits or practices we might use to do so. With 2022 right around the corner, many of us might be experiencing a more reflective state of mind...
Try This: A Reiki Meditation to Balance Earthly & Heavenly Energies
Just as the chakra system maps and encourages the balance of our Root chakra, and Crown chakra energies, Japanese energetic anatomy also depicts the balance of Earthly and Heavenly energies coming together at the heart center for harmony and balance. In Eastern philosophy and Reiki teachings, students are encouraged to cultivate their tandens, or “oceans of energy”. When they are...
Creating New Routines for Peace and Calm
In a time of uncertainty – like we are living in now with the Delta variant, climate crises, and social, gender, and economic injustice – establishing a new routine is a reliable, grounding practice. A routine is like a ritual – a practice that captures our attention, and in the act of doing it, gives us a sense of control...
Empowering Children Through Positivity and Connection
Teaching meditation, mindfulness practices, and positivity to children is fun and fulfilling. Children bring a sense of wonder and innocence to everyday practices that remind adults of the magic and smiles that come with connection.As a parent, it is wonderful to guide your children with simple practices throughout the day and watch how they connect with their breath, feelings, body,...
Time for a Body, Mind, and Spirit Cleanse
The change of season, whether you’re moving from winter to spring or summer into autumn, is always a good time to reassess your life and clear out what no longer serves, making way for new exciting opportunities to enter. This can be done on all levels, physical, mental, and spiritual. Physical The physical includes both the inner and outer. Starting...
Harnessing the Power of the Cosmos
Pure Consciousness is the basis of all creation, constantly transforming itself from the non-local field of pure potentiality into the localized conditioned consciousness we call the material world.As Deepak Chopra tells us, spiritual energy, the energy that comes from pure consciousness, is the creative energy of the Universe. This spiritual energy pervades all aspects of life and by aligning ourselves...
Healing with Our Children in the Pandemic and Beyond
While the world turned upside down during COVID-19, parents, teachers, therapists, social workers, families, and community leaders have had the added responsibility of keeping children physically and mentally safe, educated through virtual learning, occupied with restrictions and cancellations, and also healthy and happy amidst overall uncertainty.If you are reading this article, please pause for a moment and take a deep...
Meditación Total: Tu Bienestar Bajo una Nueva Luz
El movimiento de bienestar ha estado arraigado durante más de una década. Por incrementos, ciertos aspectos de la vida de las personas han mejorado, mientras que en otros no. Por ejemplo, el consumo de tabaco ha disminuido, pero millones de personas están estresadas. El insomnio, el sobrepeso, la ansiedad y la depresión se mantienen en un nivel alto y preocupante.Los...
How to Harness the Power of Summer Archetypes with Meditation
As F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote in The Great Gatsby, “And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.”The arrival of summer marks a special time in the seasonal cycles of the planet. Astronomically...
Shiva: The Protector and Destroyer
Shiva, whose name means auspicious one in Sanskrit, is both a protector and destroyer. He can be a source of inspiration as you try to achieve a goal.
Brahma: The Archetype of Creation
Brahma, the god of creation, is usually depicted as a bearded, four-faced, four-armed deity. These four faces represent the sacred knowledge of the four Vedas: Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva. The faces symbolize that Brahma is the source of all knowledge needed for the creation of the universe and the arms represent the four directions illustrating Brahma’s omnipotence.Brahma, who is...
Healing Through the Sense of Touch
A foundational principle in Ayurveda is that the senses and sense organs are the gateways to the mind and body and that we can use the sense for healing. Although for centuries this was a difficult concept to understand from a Western medical perspective, we are now validating this ancient observation with modern science.The Importance of Our SensesSurvival is dependent...
Overcoming Burnout Through Ayurveda
Our body and mind are constantly adapting to the demands placed upon them. When we have adequate time, energy, and emotional resources to meet those requirements, we experience a state of balance. If our ability to fulfill responsibilities runs low, we encounter stress. When we no longer have the physical or emotional bandwidth to meet life's demands, we encounter burnout.Though...
Ask Dr. Sheila: How to Balance Kapha
If you’re feeling a little unmotivated, lethargic, dull, or have put on some extra weight, have sluggish digestion, or can’t get out of bed, there’s a likelihood that this is an expression of excess Kapha in your mind-body physiology. This is fairly common this time of year due to the heavy energy that has accumulated over the winter and early...
Why Deep Detoxification Is for Everyone
More people are aware than ever before of how many meanings the word “toxic” has. The subject of detoxification was completely ignored when I was in medical school, but the most recent research connects blood toxins and chronic inflammation, suddenly opening up new avenues for preventing lifestyle disorders like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and perhaps even many cancers...
Why You Should Become an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Teacher
As a physician, I have come to understand the impact that lifestyle choices have in preventing chronic disease. And although approximately 90% of chronic diseases can be prevented by lifestyle, we are seeing all chronic diseases on the rise around the globe.In an age where people have access to more information than ever before, people are more confused about what...
9 Practices for Seasonal Detoxification
During transitions between any season, it is an ideal time to sit back and reflect on what may be out of balance in our lives, then take steps to restore our equilibrium.Ayurveda recommends a seasonal cleansing, purification, and renewal process in which we eliminate whatever physical and emotional toxicities we have accumulated during the prior months, allowing our mind-body to...
5 Ways to Boost Your Pet’s Health and Well-Being Using Ayurveda
The ancient wisdom and tradition of Ayurveda applies to every living being, including every sentient being. Here are five tips that can be easily incorporated into any animal’s life to promote optimal well-being.When someone’s lifestyle is focused on living in harmony with nature, it can make the difference between them surviving or thriving. It is something that comes naturally to...
Chopra Coaching: Continuing Through the Certification Program
Follow along in this new article series exploring the author's experience on the path to becoming a Chopra Well-being Coach.Read previous articles in the series:Chopra Coaching: A Pathway for Conscious LivingChopra Coaching: My Path Through the Enrichment ProgramOne short week after the completion of my Chopra Coaching Enrichment Program in June of 2021, I was poised to begin the Chopra...
Natural Ways to Boost Immunity, Balance Vata, and Lean into the Joys of Autumn
Welcome autumn when school begins, the number of evening hours increase, and vata dosha characterizes the new season. September marks the perfect time to reinstate routine into our lives, as we walk in autumn air that cools our cheeks. For some, the idea of routine might sound restrictive. In reality, routines help balance vata dosha, leading to a sense of...
Accessing Steadiness and Ease Amid Fluctuation
I grew up in New York and one of the things I distinctly remember is the smell of autumn, my favorite time of year. I remember the crunching of the leaves under my feet as the trees shed their layers and the cool air in the mornings indicating the seasons were indeed changing.It’s always been something I look forward to...
Chopra Coaching: My Path Through the Enrichment Program
Follow along in this new article series exploring the author's experience on the path to becoming a Chopra Well-being Coach.Read previous articles in the series:Chopra Coaching: A Pathway for Conscious LivingIn each life there comes at least one moment which, if recognized and seized, transforms the course of that life forever. - Ralph Blum, The Book of RunesIn the fall...
Chopra Coaching: A Pathway for Conscious Living
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Harold WhitmanIn 2021 Chopra Global launched its premier certification program, the Chopra Well-being Coaching Certification. The Chopra Coaching Certification Program is the third and final certification on the...
Why Mental Health Is At the Center of Our Well-being
In today’s world, everything that we have ever known has changed. Everything that was, is no more, at least to a certain degree. Our lives are changing, for most, with a lack of feeling in control. Political angst all over the globe is creating a general anxiety that has yet found a place of sanctuary and impermanence of our livelihoods....
On Earth Day, Celebrate Your Extended Body
“The trees are our lungs, the rivers our circulation, the air our breath, and the earth our body” –Deepak ChopraApril 22 is Earth Day. Started in 1970, it began as a day to bring awareness to the intimate connection between the health of our environment and our collective public health. It’s not just an esoteric philosophical idea that we are...
Practices for Renewal this Spring
We begin Spring with the hope of a post-pandemic new normal on the horizon. The path to healing and rejuvenation is through consciously releasing the emotions of a year defined by COVID-19. April is a good time to set intentions for discovery, renewal, connection, and service.Here is a practice to get “unstuck” and move forward for this new phase of...
Holding Focus During Stay-at-Home
With a record number of people either in lockdown or working from home, the incidence of depression and anxiety has sharply risen. Relationships are frayed, and in the face of these conditions, people are often reacting badly to their current situation.There are coping behaviors that can help, and one of the best is focused awareness. Normally you focus your mind...
My Daily Self-Care Routine by Devi Brown, Chopra Global's Chief Impact Officer
Hey there! Devi Brown here. I am Chopra Global’s Chief Impact Officer and for those enjoying the new Chopra app, mine is the voice that shares space with you each day in meditation. Having a daily practice has radically transformed my life, and I am so excited to share some of it with you here now. When we think about...
The New Chopra App is Here
Relieve stress. Restore balance. Become the best you. Meet the new Chopra app—your guide to total well-being.For more than 25 years, Chopra has been helping millions of people balance their bodies, revive their minds, and activate their spirits. Now, we're making this knowledge available to you 24/7, in the palm of your hand.What’s InsideInside, you'll find a comprehensive well-being library,...
Supporting Your Children’s Emotional Well-Being at Home
School closures are taking their toll on parents and children alike. Building emotional resilience at this time is key to help us all through the pandemic.With the sun’s rays entering the cracks of our windows, a new day begins. Too often our warm covers convince us to be still just a bit longer. Every day those brief moments of stillness...
Total Meditation: Your Well-Being in a New Light
How to Cultivate Total Meditation: Its basic principle is that the mind wants to be calm, centered, open, alert, present, and free of stress. You cannot change what you aren’t aware of. Awareness brings you back to yourself with calm clarity.
Chore to Lifestyle: How to Adjust Your Mindset About Fitness and Wellness
Fitness and wellness is a powerful lifestyle. Things are always going to change, and here is my story of rebuilding myself after an injury. You can use these five lessons I learned to help your own journey and approach to integrating exercise.
Bienestar, Activismo y Cómo Crear Cambio Duradero Personal y Colectivo.
Puede ser difícil acceder a sus prácticas de autocuidado cuando no se siente muy zen o en momentos de conflicto intenso y disturbios emocionales. Cuando hay problemas externos muy reales en el mundo que deben abordarse, ¿cómo se hace espacio para la renovación y, al mismo tiempo, se toman medidas para crear un cambio?Prácticas de cuidado personal y su activismo...
Clear Your Energy and Lift Your Spirits With the Sacred Art of Smudging
The ancient ritual of burning plants to clear your energy can help you start anew. Learn about smudging using herbs like sage from Chopra today.
Mindful Walking Practice: How to Get Started
After a long day sitting in an office, seated meditation might seem unappealing. On days when you want to get out into nature, try walking meditation instead.Walking meditation, also known as mindful walking, is an active practice that requires you to be consciously aware and moving in the environment rather than sitting down with your eyes closed. The practice brings...
Marinated Tofu Thai Wrap with Sauce
This vegtable-packed wrap is perfect for a meal on the go, full of flavor and great for lunch or dinner!IngredientsChicken or Fish Variation Replace tofu with 2 ounces of grilled chicken or fish, add the nutty dipping sauce, and roll up as directed.Nutty Dipping Sauce (Per 2-tablespoon serving using ghee): ¼ teaspoon ghee or sesame oil 1 clove garlic, minced...
Embodying Gratitude Through Asana
Coming to my mat has always been a space to surrender, a space where I take time to connect with myself. It was on my mat that I first learned what it felt like to embody gratitude as a way of being rather than an external expression. So frequently gratitude is expressed outward, where we thank those around us or...
Breathwork for Balance: How Pranayama Cultivates a Clear, Calm Mind
Breathwork and pranayama are having their moment in the sun right now. The practices of pranayama, which date back at least 5,000 years to the time of the Hindu Vedas and Upanishads, are being used to treat anxiety, depression, cardiac disease, and now COVID brain fog as well. Modern breathwork teachers such as Wim Hof, Dr. Konstantin Buteyko, and others,...
7 Steps to Thriving in Times of Change and Uncertainty
Change is an inevitable aspect of our journey through life. Whether anticipated or unexpected, big or small, good or bad, change has the potential to leave us feeling disoriented and anxious.In these moments of uncertainty, it can be difficult to recognize the opportunities for growth and self-discovery available to us.Here are seven powerful steps to embrace change as a catalyst...
Leading With Curiosity to Embrace Infinite Possibility
The world is full of potential and infinite possibility, when we are guided by curiosity we feel it in every action and interaction. Think of the wonderment in a child’s eyes, they show us that even what we might view as mundane is an opportunity to create something new. Everything they do, see, and interact with is exciting because there’s...
How to Change Your Life: The Chopra Coaching Certification Program
As the saying goes, “teach what you most need to learn.”As a coach since 2003, the director of a mindfulness and performance program for UC San Diego Health’s Center for Mindfulness, and the developer and director of the Chopra Coach Certification program, I’ve met a lot of folks over the years and found this to be true time and time...
Use Your Superpowers to Build a Better World
Happy 2021 everyone! As we move into this new year, we naturally become more intentional about the vision we have for our higher selves and the life we want to create. I've always believed in the superpowers we all have inside of us, and that once you know your superpowers, you have the ability to consciously use them to build...
Six Authentic Ways to be of Service to Others and Ourselves
This year, as we honor Martin Luther King, Jr., we face many uncertainties that may keep us from centering ourselves in his message of peace and social transformation. Among these uncertainties, a deadly pandemic that keeps us from our families, jobs, and places of worship, and a political system that has been bent to its very foundation. The good news...
Resting in the Self
With all the stressors and issues in your life it can be difficult to give yourself permission to relax. Follow our simple relaxation tips to find peace in the self.
Shifting from Work-Life to Life-Work Balance
Work-life balance—a phrase that we hear used all the time. It’s something that almost everyone I speak to seems to be struggling with. However, if we’re honest about this, we aren’t struggling with work-life balance because, for many people, the balance is nonexistent. We’re actually struggling with getting life back into the phrase.But what if you reversed the order and...
Give Yourself—and Your Employees—Permission to Be Well
Being well may not be fully under your control, but you can push yourself—and others—in the right direction. The secret? Granting permission.
Well-Being, Activism, and How to Create Lasting Personal and Collective Change
It can be difficult to access your self-care practices when you don’t feel very Zen, or during times of intense conflict and emotional disturbance. When there are very real outside issues in the world that need to be addressed, how do you still make space for renewal and, at the same time, take action to create change?Your self-care practices and...
7 Ways to Cultivate Charisma
Charisma is a quality we would all like more of and yet have a difficult time defining.Often described as that “something special,” the “x-factor,” or even simply having “it,” we can typically point to charisma when we see it but find it challenging to put into words. Charismatic people are certainly likable but their influence runs much deeper. Often described...
3 Ways to Cultivate Emotionally and Socially Intelligent Kids
What impacts your child’s behavior, learning, relationships, and the ability to focus? It turns out emotions play a very large role.When we’re stressed, anxious, or triggered, our brain and nervous system react immediately. Our amygdala sounds the alarm as our brains go into a psychological state of flight, fight, or freeze.The ability to think, reason, and make rational decisions decreases....
Mindful Parenting: How to Raise Kind and Conscious Kids
Your alarm didn't go off so you rush around getting all the kids up and dressed and packing their lunches. You get to your car and notice that there's ice on the windows, which means you will need time to scrape it off. Your son drops his book bag into the snow and his lunch and books tumble out. He...
The Surprising Truth of Sufficiency
We each have the choice in any setting to step back and let go of the mindset of scarcity. Once we let go of scarcity, we discover the surprising truth of sufficiency.By sufficiency, I don’t mean a quantity of anything. Sufficiency isn’t two steps up from poverty or one step short of abundance. It isn’t a measure of barely enough...
Can You Recognize Fear?
If you’re like me, whenever you decide to stretch your wings, try something new, or consider a leap of faith, your inner critic pipes up with a hundred cautionary tales and reasons why things might not work out.At the best of times, we are able to separate ourselves from this harsh inner critic. Far more often however, we buy into...
Why I Believe in the Embodied Project
For years, I’ve been practicing self-love and what it means to truly be the change I wish to see in the world. I learned at a very young age that aligning my mind, my body, and my spirit was the only way for me to have true peace in life.My name is Nitika Chopra, and it’s for these reasons that...
Concepts to Calm and Comfort
I am going to assume that y’all are already on board with my obsessive belief that we are undergoing a transformation of human consciousness. I could be wrong, but let’s just say I’m not. It seems that this change is imminent, if not already upon us. In Eckhart Tolle’s image, blossoms are opening in individual human beings all over our...