
How Creative Expression Promotes Self-Love
There are many ways to cultivate self-love, whether it be through meditation, daily affirmations, or even exercise and taking care of our body nutritionally. But, these wellness responses to self-love aren’t the only ways to tune in—creativity can also help you get to new levels of love for yourself.
Art as Meditation: How Painting Landscapes Can Promote Healing
Meditation is a natural way for the body to surrender to a state of peace and relaxation. While you can get so much out of sitting on a cushion and meditating, there’s also something to be said about incorporating more active forms of meditation—such as painting landscapes—for healing.“Interests in hobbies, like landscape painting, can help people relax, feel less stressed,...
Using Mindful Awareness to Step Into the Flow State
When we can reimagine what access to inner peace looks like we start to find it through a balance between movement and perceived stillness.
A Meditation for Enhanced Creativity
A simple meditation practice to tap into your creative potential.
Art as Meditation: In the Flow With Watercolor
Meditation isn’t just a practice of sitting in stillness, it’s a practice of presence, focus, flow, letting go, and freedom. And, in many ways, creating art can have the same effect. From pottery to dance, there are many ways to experience art as mediation. One way to get into that meditative state in art is through painting with watercolors. “The...
Art as Meditation: How Pottery Can Strengthen Your Mind-Body Connection
There are many ways to bring in the benefits of meditation to everyday life, in addition to a daily practice within. One way is through creating art. Art offers us a deeper connection to ourselves and the inspiration that leads us to our creations sparks greater awareness, too. Art is a powerful vehicle for active meditation because it invites us...
5 Ways to Improve Creativity Through Meditation
Artists and art lovers alike have gathered the evidence to support their belief that unless you are filled with angst like Bob Dylan, Alanis Morissette, or Ernest Hemingway, you might not be able to tap into your creativity. Even Socrates and Plato historically took “melancholic habitus” (a sulking holiday) in order to fan the flames of their creative minds. It’s...
Creativity and the Doshas
Creativity is an inherent quality of being human. Everywhere within us, in every cell and atom, is the creative energy of the entire universe. This energy is creating new cells and tissues every day, as well as allowing for new ideas and inspirations.Creativity can show up in many different ways in our lives. Sometimes we think of creativity exclusively as...
The Healing Power of Creativity
Almost everyone appreciates the power of creativity. Unique things or novel ideas can catch our eye, brighten our day, and ignite change. Creativity is inspiring, and feeling inspired is fun! Of course, having fun is its own kind of medicine. Fun enhances our sense of connection (to others, self, and life). It reduces stress and increases happiness. Creativity, specifically, can...
5 Simple Ways to Add Play to Your Day and Spark Creativity
Blank computer screen in front of me, a canvas waiting for the whoosh of ideas in my brain to come together and flow into my fingers, forming words that I tap-tap-tap on the keyboard. Something from nothing. Project complete.As a writer this is my creative process. On my best days, the ideas are many, and come freely. I type away,...
6 Ways to Enhance Creativity
Some people appear to be plugged into an endless supply of creative power while others struggle to light a small spark of imagination. If you fall into the latter category, you may have been told that creativity is a fixed trait and that you were allotted a specific, unchangeable amount at birth. Fortunately, those outdated notions have been disproven and...
Awaken Your Inner Child to the Joys of Play
Why so serious?I ask myself this question at least 10 times a day. During brainstorming meetings where no braining or storming is happening, or when my tween child makes a questionable fashion choice. When traffic is rush-hour level at not rush-hour time, or something fails at the most inconvenient moment—like a flat tire during a 12-mile bike ride, which seems...
A Yoga Practice to Increase Creativity
Try this yoga practice to clear your mind and open up to inspiration.
The Surprising Reason for Adding Playfulness to Your Yoga Practice
From the ancient Yoga Sutras by Patañjali, the sutra sthira sukham asanam can be translated into English as “may the posture be steady and full of ease (or joy).” For anyone new to yoga, it might seem obvious to aim for steadiness and strength. Therefore, it is the prominence of sukham — signifying the eternal sense of joy, bliss, or...
What is Flow State and How You Can Access It
Discover your flow state and how to drop into the peace of the present
How Embracing Your Inner Child Makes You a More Resilient Adult
When we are young, we are no stranger to resilience. As children, we are constantly trying new things — such as sports, games, and creative activities — meeting new people, and putting ourselves out there to form lasting friendships. But, as we get older and into adulthood, we start to lose a little bit of resilience. And, on top of...
Find Your Purpose and Grow at the Same Time
Purpose and inner growth come from the same source. Find and live from this source to unite all your goals and aspirations.
Explora tu Espíritu Creativo
Cuando estamos creciendo, estamos llenos de asombro porque cada experiencia que tenemos es algo completamente nuevo para nosotros. Siempre estamos en el espacio de descubrir algo por primera vez. A medida que crecemos en el mundo y nos asentamos en la edad adulta, tendemos a caer en varias rutinas y estructuras que limitan nuestra capacidad de explorar libremente. La maravilla...
El Juego, el Niño Interior y Tú
Poder jugar hace felices a los niños, pero crecer cambia esto y no para mejor. Los niños juegan, pero los adultos trabajan. Esa es la opinión predominante, como lo ha sido durante siglos, así que veamos a dónde se fue la diversión de la vida y por qué necesita regresar. Lo ideal, de hecho, es llenar de juego toda tu...
DIY Wind Chimes
We could all benefit from a little more peace in our lives. And, one way to invite more calming energy into your home is through sound, particularly the relaxing sound of wind chimes. Much like attending a sound bath, listening to wind chimes can have a soothing effect on the mind, helping to lower stress levels and feelings of anxiety...
Adopt the Practice of Writing Morning Pages to Boost Creativity
In a culture that has commodified the fruits of creativity to the degree that ours has, it can be easy for us to feel cut off from our inherent creative energy if we are not producing something tangible. In reality, creativity is not a special stream that only some of us can tap into and enjoy. By the very virtue...
7 Practices for Manifesting Creativity
As human beings, creativity is one of the most powerful energies we can tap into. After all, it is a natural part of who we are — which is why those who carve out time for creation often compare the process to meditation. “As we tune into our creativity, we are transpired to that transcendent space, the present moment, and...
The Play of Creation
On the surface, the world may appear to have many challenges and it’s easy to get distracted or even overwhelmed by them. However, whenever we allow ourselves to play, we slip beyond everyday limitations and into a realm of infinite possibilities, joy and love. Play should be an essential part of everyone’s life, because the real reason that we’re here...
Explore Your Creative Spirit
When we’re growing up, we are full of wonderment because every experience we have is something brand new to us. We are always in the space of discovering something for the very first time. As we grow up in the world and settle into adulthood, we tend to fall into various routines and structures that limit our ability to freely...
Play, the Inner Child, and You
Being allowed to play makes children happy, but growing up changes this and not for the better. Children play, but adults work. That’s the prevailing view, as it has been for centuries, so let’s see where the playfulness of life went and why it needs to come back. The ideal, in fact, is to infuse your whole life with play,...
Cinco Señales de Crecimiento Espiritual
De todas las formas en que uno puede crecer, la mayoría están marcadas por aspectos externos (por ejemplo, hacerse más rico, más exitoso o con una familia más numerosa) y otras se conocen por su comportamiento y actitud, por ejemplo, volverse más feliz, más amoroso y más maduro. El único tipo de crecimiento que es totalmente silencioso, oculto e invisible...
Five Signs of Spiritual Growth
Of all the ways you can grow, most are marked by externals—growing richer, more successful, or with a larger family, for example—and others are known by your behavior and attitude—for instance, growing happier, more loving, and more mature. The only kind of growth that is totally silent, hidden, and unseen is spiritual growth. The Bhagavad-Gita says that even someone who...
10 Ways to Spark Inspiration
All too often, our routines can become a little too rote, making our lives feel a little too stale. But with the birth of a New Year comes new opportunities to find variety in the everyday. Whether you consider yourself to be a “capital A Artist,” or not, here are a few ideas to spark inspiration.1. Create a yoga challenge....
Break Out of a Rut with These 7 Tips for Creativity
“Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred. What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all. We toil alone, and we are accompanied by spirits. We are terrified, and we are brave. Art is a crushing chore and a wonderful privilege. The work wants to be made, and it wants to be made through you.” –Elizabeth Gilbert,...
How to Inspire Creativity in Others
What is creativity? It is an essential aspect of being human. It’s not just used by artists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians. Everyone is creative and has the ability to turn imaginative or original ideas into reality through some form of expression. Some people just haven’t explored it or, if they have, they undoubtedly know what it feels like to be...
11 Creative Ways to Express Gratitude
“Thank you.” “I’m so grateful.” “I appreciate you.” When spoken from the heart, these simple phrases express so much. Think about how good it feels to hear them! Sincerely thanking someone honors their help and humanity as well as validates their efforts. You could make someone’s day or week by thanking them. Whether someone in your life has gone above...
7 Ways to Increase Your Happiness at Work
Adults in America spend most of their waking hours at work, and more time at their job than the rest of the world. Considering that less than 50 percent of working people in the U.S. say they are satisfied with their job, it’s no wonder it feels like people are more stressed out, burned out, and unhappy than ever before.If...
Awaken Your Creative Response
We are all born as infinitely creative beings. As children, we freely used our rich imaginations to create entire worlds, whether we were building sand castles at the beach, playing “house” with a collection of dolls, or pretending to be our favorite superhero. As we become adults, many of us unfortunately succumb to the prevailing cultural meme or belief that...