
A Meditation for Enhanced Creativity
A simple meditation practice to tap into your creative potential.
How to Implement New and Healthy Routines and Rituals
Try these tips to enhance your daily routines and stick to your goals.
6 Ways to Enhance Creativity
Some people appear to be plugged into an endless supply of creative power while others struggle to light a small spark of imagination. If you fall into the latter category, you may have been told that creativity is a fixed trait and that you were allotted a specific, unchangeable amount at birth. Fortunately, those outdated notions have been disproven and...
Laughter for the Lymph: How Laughing Benefits the Lymphatic System
They say laughter is the best medicine and while that is certainly true for our mental health — laughing releases endorphins, which can boost the mood! — it’s also wildly true for our physical health. Laughing requires more oxygen intake so, in a way, it’s like its own form of breathwork. It can also even help temporarily relieve pain. But,...
How to Access Joy During Challenging Times
Would you believe me if I told you there is an endless wellspring of joy that lives within you, and tapping into it doesn’t have to be complicated? Even amid a pandemic, it’s there in your heart, just waiting for you!You might be experiencing feelings like hopelessness, despair, fear, anxiety, anger, grief, loneliness, and more right now. And you’re not...
5 Steps to Karmic Cleansing
Follow these five steps to learn how to cleanse your karmic debt, get rid of bad karma, and stop wishing bad karma on those who have hurt you.
The Surprising Reason for Adding Playfulness to Your Yoga Practice
From the ancient Yoga Sutras by Patañjali, the sutra sthira sukham asanam can be translated into English as “may the posture be steady and full of ease (or joy).” For anyone new to yoga, it might seem obvious to aim for steadiness and strength. Therefore, it is the prominence of sukham — signifying the eternal sense of joy, bliss, or...
A Yoga Practice for Joy
Practice this sequence when you need to boost your mood and lift your spirits.
Alinee Su Vida con un Propósito
En esta tierra, cada uno de nosotros experimenta de manera distinta cómo es vivir su propósito porque tu propósito es tan único como tú. A menudo, cuando pensamos en la pregunta “¿cuál es mi propósito?” nos quedamos pensando en nuestro trabajo o carrera ; sin embargo, tu propósito abarca mucho más que eso. El dharma no siempre tiene que ver...
Building Resilient Relationships
We treasure our intimate relationships for an infinite number of reasons. With our partner, we experience joy, rapture, safety, friendship, and pleasure. We create a safe haven from the outside world in which we can nourish and be nourished.When life is going smoothly for us, it’s easy to cultivate this kind of bond. However, when we’re faced with obstacles that...
How Embracing Your Inner Child Makes You a More Resilient Adult
When we are young, we are no stranger to resilience. As children, we are constantly trying new things — such as sports, games, and creative activities — meeting new people, and putting ourselves out there to form lasting friendships. But, as we get older and into adulthood, we start to lose a little bit of resilience. And, on top of...
First Steps to Creating a Life of Purpose
Pursuing your purpose doesn’t have to be intimidating. Begin with a few simple steps to point your life in the right direction.
Align Your Life with Purpose
Living your purpose will look and feel different for every person on this earth because your purpose is just as unique as you are. Often when we think of the question “what is my purpose?” we are left to think about our job or career, yet your purpose encompasses so much more than that. Dharma doesn’t always have to do...
Explora tu Espíritu Creativo
Cuando estamos creciendo, estamos llenos de asombro porque cada experiencia que tenemos es algo completamente nuevo para nosotros. Siempre estamos en el espacio de descubrir algo por primera vez. A medida que crecemos en el mundo y nos asentamos en la edad adulta, tendemos a caer en varias rutinas y estructuras que limitan nuestra capacidad de explorar libremente. La maravilla...
The Play of Creation
On the surface, the world may appear to have many challenges and it’s easy to get distracted or even overwhelmed by them. However, whenever we allow ourselves to play, we slip beyond everyday limitations and into a realm of infinite possibilities, joy and love. Play should be an essential part of everyone’s life, because the real reason that we’re here...
Explore Your Creative Spirit
When we’re growing up, we are full of wonderment because every experience we have is something brand new to us. We are always in the space of discovering something for the very first time. As we grow up in the world and settle into adulthood, we tend to fall into various routines and structures that limit our ability to freely...
9 Tips for Sustaining Joy During Trying Times
There are many things that you can do, even in the midst of dire circumstances, that will alleviate suffering and steer you toward joy. The following practices, when used consistently, will allow you to feel joy through even the toughest conditions.Take a Broader ViewWhat you are experiencing now may be uncomfortable, but it is not the end of your story....
5 Exercises for Creating Abundance
Often when you hear the word abundance, you think of financial stability. That’s because the world is geared toward the importance of money, how large your home is, and what you purchase. But abundance can be so much more than that.Simply put, abundance is a “large quantity of something.” This could be: Love Health Happiness Peace Confidence Money It can...