Mind-Body Health

The 4 Elements for Happier, Healthier Pets

The 4 Elements for Happier, Healthier Pets
If you’re a pet owner, you want them to be safe, healthy, and happy. And that means being aware of their environment.

Pets are sensitive by nature; their environment can have a profound effect on their behavior and level of anxiety. Fortunately, pets respond quickly to positive environmental changes.

Here are some tips that will balance the elements in your home environment to create a stress-free zone where your furry friends will thrive.

Earth: Reduces the Effect of Electromagnetic Stress

Your pet’s health is adversely affected by electromagnetic energy. This energy causes imbalances in the physiology that over time, can compromise the immune system.

Electromagnetic energy enters your home from sewers, storm drains, wireless Internet, wireless remote meter readers as well as underground streams. To counterbalance this influence, and neutralize “electro-smog,” use a Himalayan salt lamp in any room where your pet sleeps. If it’s in your bedroom, turn the lamp on during the day and off at night if the light disturbs your sleep.

Air: Improves Air Quality

Air quality is important for healthy pets. Find alternatives to toxic cleaning products. Chemicals used in some cleaning products for floors and dishes can leave residues that can be ingested or inhaled.

Make sure you have plenty of fresh air, and if you live in an area with poor air quality, consider purchasing an air purifier. Replace your air filters in your home regularly. Vacuum floors and dust surfaces to remove dust and allergens. If you have pets that shed, you may need to do this often.

African violets as well as Money Tree and Spider plants are safe for pets and also create healthy indoor air quality. For those of you who don’t possess a green thumb, try the Cast-Iron Plant.

Water: Make Sure It’s Pure

Water is the main ingredient of healthy, living cells. It carries nutrients in and out of the cells of the body and aids in digestion. Water also helps pets absorb nutrients. Animals need clean, fresh water to function properly. Water also helps your pet maintain a normal body temperature and brings moisture to all bodily functions. Without good water, your pet will dehydrate quickly, which can lead to organ failure and even death.

Change your pet’s water twice a day because water absorbs many airborne toxins. Make sure to give your pet purified water rather than tap water, which can contain bacteria and chemicals that aggravate a variety of sensitivities.

Fire: Maintain a Healthy Temperature and Digestive Fire

Pets don’t do well in excess heat or cold. Maintain the temperature in your home year round by keeping the thermostat between 68 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit. Never leave your pets in a car when it’s extremely hot or cold.

Make sure that you give your pets pesticide-free food by checking labels and researching ingredients. Pet food manufactures don’t always have the best interest of your four-legged friends in mind, so be on the lookout for questionable ingredients and preservatives in pet foods that can adversely affect your pet’s health. The bottom line: digestive health is key to your pet’s overall health. Avoid giving chocolate, raisins, grapes, avocadoes, alcohol, and caffeine to your pets because these foods are known to be toxic.

We have personally followed these tips over the years with our own pets. Clean, pure water and air, nutritious food, and an indoor environment with the right energy balance will help your furry companions live long, healthy lives.